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Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies - Journal exploring the categories and concepts of difference and diversity in texts ranging from the literary and the visual to the political and social. Edited by Naomi Schor, Elizabeth Weed, and Ellen Rooney. Published three times a year by Duke University Press. The British Journal of Aesthetics - Quarterly journal intended to provide an international forum for debate in aesthetics and the philosophy of art. Edited by Peter Lamarque. Published on behalf of the British Society of Aesthetics by Oxford University Press. Includes contents and abstracts of current and archived issues. Harvard Review of Philosophy - Professional journal of philosophy published annually by undergraduates at Harvard University. Philosophy Now - International news-stand philosophy magazine with articles, reviews, features and columns. Aimed at the general public, philosophy students and faculty. Site includes current issue, full archive of past issues (subscriber access) and some free content. Ancient Philosophy - Semi-annual journal devoted to original research in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy and science. Currently edited by Ronald Polansky, and published by Mathesis Publications. The Journal of Philosophy - Monthly journal of articles of current interest and encouraging the interchange of ideas. Includes index of recent issues, and extensive information on the journal. American Philosophical Quarterly - Quarterly journal of English articles on any aspect of philosophy. Edited by Neil Tennant, and published by North American Philosophical Publications. Faith and Philosophy Journal - Published quarterly by the Society of Christian Philosophers. Encourages discussions among philosophers representing a wide variety of denominations and philosophical orientations. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research - Devoted to phenomenology this printed journal offers the call for papers. The Monist - Quarterly devoted to general philosophical inquiry. In printed format, offers abstracts of past issues. Asian Philosophy - An international journal concerned with the theoretical and applied philosophy of the Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Buddhist and Islamic traditions. Edited by Indira Mahalingam Carr and Brian Carr. Published three times per year by Carfax Publishing. Includes contents since 1996 and abstracts since 2000. Social Epistemology - Journal of knowledge, culture and policy. Philosophical Explorations - An international journal for the philosophy of mind and action, which aims to provide a forum for analytically minded philosophers interested in genuine dialogue regarding continental philosophy and the social sciences. Edited by Jan Bransen. Published three times per year by Routledge. Includes contents. British Journal for the History of Philosophy - Quarterly journal concerned with the history of philosophy and related intellectual history from the ancient world to the early decades of the 20th Century. Edited by G. A. J. Rogers, and published by Routledge. Includes contents since 2000. Argumentation - Quarterly interdisciplinary journal concerned with reasoning, natural inference and persuasion. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences - Quarterly interdisciplinary journal concerned with phenomenology, empirical science, and analytic philosophy of mind. Edited by Shaun Gallagher and Natalie Depraz, and published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. Journal contents and abstracts. Human Studies - Quarterly journal of philosophy and the social sciences, exploring the logic of inquiry, methodology, epistemology of social science practices. Phenomenological perspectives, broadly defined, are a primary, though not an exclusive focus. Edited by George Psathas, and official journal of the Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences. Includes contents and abstracts. Ethics - Quarterly international journal of moral, political, and legal philosophy. Edited by John Deigh, and published by the University of Chicago Press. Includes contents from current and past issues.
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