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Bioethics is the study and evaluation of medicine and health care with regards to moral norms and obligations. Accordingly, bioethics involves highlighting various places in medical research or health care that pose ethical problems, and striving to resolve in favor of one course of action over another on the basis that it is morally right or justified.
Sites [ Submit ] - Canadian nursing ethics website. Highly informative and professional. | National Human Genome Research Institute - Home page of the National Human Genome Research Institute, the arm of the U.S. National Institutes of Health dedicated to advancing human health through genetic research. The National Rural Bioethics Project - The National Rural Bioethics Project aims to identify ethics-related issues that face rural healthcare providers, and to develop and provide appropriate and relevant resources and materials that help resolve such issues. Islamic Views on Medical Ethics - Islamic views on many medical ethics issues including organ donation, cloning, euthanasia, abortion , fertility, sex change operations. Algorithm: Rapid Approach to Ethical Problems - How should clinicians approach an ethical dilemma when they have little time to ponder or to seek consultation? This proven method works. Case: Practicing and Teaching on the Newly Dead - Case commentary on a controversial topic. Should newly dead bodies be used to teach medical practitioners skills that can be used to save others? Case: Rights of Minors - Case commentary on a common dilemma. When can and must children be treated without parental consent? U S Supreme Court Petition - Whether human-made elements of primary life structures that define the essence of this Court's vaguely defined non-viable (fetus) patentable subject matter under 35 U.S.C. Ethics of Organ Transplants - A discussion of the ethical issues of organ transplants. Bioethics: a fully online introductory course by Dr. Tom Kerns - The bioethics of clinical medical practice, medical research, health care ethics, public health, and human rights are dealt with in this course. National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature - A specialized collection of books, journals, newspaper articles, legal materials, regulations, codes, and government publications. BioEdge - Resources on bioethics issues, including a weekly news digest of the latest bioethics news from around the world. Bioethics Forum - Portal on issues in bioethics offers news and articles. Department of Medical Ethics & Health Policy - Broad overview of historical and current moral issues in the fields of medical treatment and research, from the U. of Penn. Includes news, headlines, articles, upcoming events. Philosophy, Medical Ethics and Society - site deals with new developments in bioethics and medical ethics, offers texts and information about conferences and workshops on ethical aspects of the life sciences.
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