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A humanistic tradition of East Asian thought, begun by Confucius and continued by later thinkers such as Mencius and Zhu Xi.
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Confucianism - A basic outline of the Confucian tradition, its principles and schools, from Catholic Encyclopedia: Confucianism - An article by Charles F. Aiken from this 1912 reference work. Reviews the key teachings and history of Confucianism, and its relation to Christianity. Sacred Texts - Confucian Documents - Online texts of the key works of the Confucian philosophical tradition, including the Confucian canon and four of the Five Classics. Ethics of Confucius, Mencius and Xun-zi - Chapter from a book by Sanderson Beck. Discusses the life story and teachings of each of these classical Chinese thinkers. Confucianism - An illustrated article reviewing the basic Confucian teachings and the history of Confucianism. Confucius and the Scholars - Article published in The Atlantic in 1999. Considers the modern revival of Confucianism in the light of recent scholarship which questions Confucianism's historical origins and the appropriateness of "Confucianism" as a general term. The Cult of Confucius - Article by Thomas A. Wilson, detailing the historical process by which Confucius and his followers came to be venerated across China. The Song Confucians' View of History - Outlines the role of historical inquiry in the Confucian thought of the Chinese Song dynasty. Confucian Teachings Stand Test of Time - A year 2000 article from Describes the contemporary popularity of Confucian studies in China. Confucius and Confucianism - Articles and online resources on confucius and the history of Confucianism. Confucianism - A brief overview of the Confucianism history, belief and ethics. Confucianism and Confucius - Commentary, and online texts and resources for the study of this school of thought. Confucianism - Articles on the various historical manifestations of this philosophical tradition. Part of the PHILTAR Overview of World Religions.
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