4-H is a worldwide non-formal educational program for youth. Founded in 1902. While 4-H has strong roots in agriculture, 4-H is no longer just about cows, vegetables, and home economics. 4-H projects cover topics ranging from astronomy and computers to rocket science, marketing, and many others that youth find interesting. 4-H is not just for youth in rural areas. 4-H programs and 4-H clubs are now found in most urban and suburban areas as well. The basic tenet of 4-H is hands-on-learning -- youth learn best by doing things themselves, with parents and other adults as mentors. 4-H is largely run by kids for kids. Kids run their own meetings, help teach projects, give presentations, raise money, create web sites, and more. 4-H is also all about family and community, with adult volunteers coaching kids, helping with clubs, and providing additional expertise. The 4-H emblem is a green four leaf clover with an H on each leaf representing Head, Heart, Hands, and Health. The 4-H motto is "To Make the Best Better." The 4-H pledge best conveys the spirit of 4-H:
I Pledge
My Head to clearer thinking,
My Heart to greater loyalty,
My Hands to larger service, and
My Health to better living,
For my Club, my Community, my Country, and my World.
4-H is run through a network of partnerships between the government, volunteers, and non-profit organizations.