York Rite is a term used mostly in the US to include a family of bodies which each require Craft Masonry membership as a prerequisite. These bodies are individually known by the following names, and may not be associated with one another outside of the US: 1. General Membership Bodies: Chapters of Royal Arch Masons (RAM); Councils of Cryptic Masons, or Royal and Select Masters (R&SM); Commanderies or Preceptories of Knights Templar (KT) 2. Honorary and Invitational Bodies: York Rite Colleges; Priories of Knights of the York Cross of Honor (KYCH); Colleges of Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests (HRAKTP); Councils of Allied Masonic Degrees (AMD); Lodges of Royal Ark Mariners; Masonic Order of the Bath; Chapters of the Sovereign Order of Knights Preceptor Councils of Masonic Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis (MSRICF) (Masonic Rosicrucians); Conclaves of the Red Cross of Constantine; Clans of the Royal Order of Scotland