Correctional Service Canada - Information about the organization, its programs, policies, and partners. Includes links to related legislation and other resources.
Justice Technology Information Network - Gateway to the products and services of the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center System, and related information and services.
Corrections Connection - Comprehensive news site dealing with prison and parole issues, including jobs available across the country.
The Warden's Homepage - Personal homepage of a South Carolina prison warden.
LCA Private Criminal Justice and Social Services - Private criminal justice and social service agency providing electronic monitoring, home detention, drug and alcohol testing, global positioning, and other sentencing options.
Justice Concepts Inc. - Criminal justice system planners and evaluators. Offers information on jail needs assessments; developing alternatives to incarceration; resolving jail overcrowding; evaluating program effectiveness and cost-efficiency; analyzing staffing needs; finding grant funding.
Corrections Center of Northwest Ohio - Information regarding this regional corrections center in the state of Ohio serving Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Lucas and Williams counties and the City of Toledo.
Henrico County Community Corrections - Providing pretrial services and alternative sentencing options for local courts. The agency's board also produced two award winning crime prevention videos for youth.
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