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This category is for sites on the use of depleted uranium in military technology, an effective yet highly toxic ordnance used by the United States.
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Depleted Uranium Education Project - Part of International Action Center, founded by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark. Depleted Uranium Health Effects - Gulf War Illness - Understanding of Health Effects from Depleted Uranium Evolving but Safety Training Needed. US General Accounting Office report to Congress (GAO/NSIAD-00-70). Gulf War Veterans and Depleted Uranium - By Dr. Rosalie Bertell, focusing on health effects, inhalation exposure and medical testing. Depleted Uranium Metal Of Dishonor - "How the Pentagon radiates soldiers and civilians with DU weapons." Book excerpts and chapters. (1997) Yggdrasil Institute: Uranium Enrichment Project - A project of Earth Island Institute which monitors the US uranium enrichment establishment. Publishes the monthly Uranium Enrichment Newsletter. Yggdrasil is also updating Nuclear France, a guide to the French nuclear industry. Depleted Uranium Munitions: New Weapons of Indiscriminate and Mutually Assured Destruction - 1999 lecture by Malcolm Hooper, Chief Scientific Adviser to the Gulf Veterans' Association UK. (PDF) DU-Watch Mailing List - The premier public email list on depleted uranium issues, managed by Stop NATO. Nearly all prominent anti-DU campaigners participate or monitor this list. Uranium Medical Research Centre - Overview of medical research project that tests urine and tissue samples from people exposed to DU. Depleted Uranium Fears - Special "In Depth" report section from the BBC Web site collating links to BBC stories and background information on depleted uranium. NATO Information - Depleted Uranium - Briefings, presentations and locational data from NATO on the use of depleted uranium ammunition in Bosnia and Kosovo. Remains of Toxic Bullets Litter Iraq - A Christian Science Monitor reporter finds heavy levels of radiation from DU munitions. - Depleted Uranium - Photos, specifications and performance facts on known penetrator munitions and military technologies that use depleted uranium. World Information Service on Energy (WISE) Uranium Project - Health and environmental impacts of depleted uranium. News, maps and resources on depleted uranium. International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons (ICBUW) - An European organization of over 80 grassroots groups seeking a ban on DU weapons. American Gulf War Veterans Association (AGWVA) - DU updates from group seeking treatment for Gulf War Illness. LAKA Foundation (National Nuclear Energy Archive) - Documentation and research center on nuclear energy in Holland has published many reports on DU. World Uranium Weapons Conference 2003 - Trojan Horse of a Nuclear War - An International Educational/Organizing Conference Depleted uranium casts shadow over peace in Iraq - New Scientist story finds fear among scientists of widespread DU harm Low Level Radiation Campaign (LLRC) - Researching the health effects of low level ionising radiation pollution. Home of journal, Radioactive Times. Traprock Peace Center - Contains photos, articles, campaigns, and interviews on depleted uranium, its impact, and cover-ups of its toxicity. Study suggests cancer risk from depleted uranium - The Guardian: Researchers have shown DU damages DNA in human lung cells.
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