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About-Face! - About-Face questions and satirizes negative and demeaning images of women in society. Violence In The Media (Community Learning Network) - This CLN menu page provides links to Media Studies curricular resources and instructional materials (lesson plans) in the specific topic of violence in the media The Hidden Hand of Violence {Freedom Magazine} - The divergent scenes in society's seemingly random patchwork quilt of senseless youth violence contain a common thread. TV News and the Culture of Violence - Examines the role television news plays in an increasingly violent society. From Rocky Mountain Media Watch. Marketing Violent Entertainment to Children - Federal Trade Commission report regarding the marketing of violent materials to children by the industries of motion picture, recording, and electronic games. Essay on Media Violence - Includes articles on media violence and video games. Violence, Public Health, and the Media - Topics: The Problem of Violence, Media and the Social Agenda, From Public Opinion to Public Judgment, Understanding the Problem, The Search for Solutions, The Media as Part of the Solution, Conclusion, and Endnotes. Source: Margaret Gerteis,Annenberg Washington Program Violent Media is Good for Kids - Author Gerard Jones argues that violence in video games and other media give children a tool to master their rage. Children and TV Violence - Reviews studies on the effect of TV violence on children.
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