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Those individuals and organizations taking action concerning peace
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International Service for Peace - Coalition of North American, Latin American, and European organizations formed in 1995 to support the peace process in Chiapas, Mexico. Peace Brigades International - Provides nonviolent international support in violent conflict areas, offering unarmed protective accompaniment to individuals and groups threatened with violence and human rights abuses. International Crisis Group - Independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation committed to preventing and resolving deadly conflict. Tamera - Centre for Human Ecology - A cooperative of people in Portugal whose goal is the development of a healing biotope, where several hundred people can live together with all fellow beings using the principle of non-violent cooperation to create a base for global peace work. Program of Academic Exchange - Fosters the development of young people and supports international peace, friendship and cross-cultural understanding through students'homestays in foreign countries. Staff, programs, and requirements for hosts. The Japan Center for Preventive Diplomacy - Aims to strengthen the contribution of the Japanese non-government sector to the prevention of conflicts in the world. Offers on-line forum where concerned parties to conflicts can participate in dialogue. Institute for War and Peace Reporting - Strengthens local journalism in areas of conflict. By training reporters, facilitating dialogue, and providing reliable information, it supports peace, democracy, and development in societies undergoing crisis and change. Includes news, programs, and ways to get involved. Life & Peace Institute - An international and ecumenical center for peace research and action. Uses a combination of research, seminars and publications. Nebraskans For Peace - Statewide grassroots advocacy organization working nonviolently for peace with justice through community-building, education and political action. Publishes annual Cat Lovers Against the Bomb calendar. Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space - Global Network against weapons and nuclear power in space. The Humanitad Foundation - Promoting and encouraging intercultural and interreligious goodwill amongst the countries and the creeds of the world. Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) - A medical and public health group working to prevent the use or spread of nuclear weapons and to slow, stop and reverse global warming and toxic degradation of the environment. Peaceful Tomorrows - An advocacy organization founded by family members of September Eleventh victims. Its mission is to seek effective nonviolent responses to terrorism, and identify a commonality with all people similarly affected by violence throughout the world. Christian Peacemaker Teams - Responding to Christ's call to confront injustice, its members attempt to bring the redemptive love of God to violent situations through direct, personal involvement. FAQ, calendar, history and mission, and action alerts. The Freeway Blogger Anti-War Signs - Examples of anti-war signs seen on California's freeways and other cities. Instructions on how to make your own. Fellowship of Reconciliation - Interfaith organization committed to active nonviolence as a transforming way of life and as a means of radical change. Educates, trains, build coalitions, and engages in nonviolent and compassionate actions locally, nationally, and globally. Action alerts, news, program info, and links to like-minded groups. International Action Center - Provides information, activism, and resistance to U.S. militarism, war, and corporate greed. Action alerts, news, and analysis of events around the world. Ploughshares Fund - Public grantmaking foundation that supports initiatives for stopping the spread of weapons of war, from nuclear arms to landmines. International Campaign to Ban Landmines - Brings together over 1,300 groups in over 90 countries who work locally, nationally, regionally, and internationally to ban antipersonnel mines. Abolition 2000 - Network of over 2000 organizations in more than 90 countries working for a global treaty to eliminate nuclear weapons. Working groups, members, news, resources, and suggestions for action. 1601 Pennsylvania Ave. - Grassroots voter initiative movement for disarmament of nuclear weapons and the conversion of the arms industries to human and environmental needs. News, events, petition, resources, and ways to become involved. Jewish Voice For Peace - SF Bay Area grassroots organization dedicated to the rights of Jews, Palestinians, and all peoples in the Middle East. They believe conflict won't end until Israel removes settlements. Action alerts, calendar of events, listserve, activism resources, and petition. Jewish Peace Fellowship - Jewish voice in the peace community and a peace voice in the Jewish community. A nondenominational Jewish organization committed to active nonviolence as a means of resolving conflict, drawing on Jewish traditional sources within the Torah, the Talmud, and contemporary peacemaking sages. Cities for Peace - International coalition of local officials and concerned citizens working to express the will of their communities through civic resolutions against a war on Iraq. Cities, universities, and groups with resolutions; articles and campaign toolkit. Iraq Body Count - Project to establish an independent and comprehensive public database of media-reported civilian deaths in Iraq resulting directly from military action by the USA and its allies. Offers incident-by-incident online database and free webcounters. War Child - Network of independent organisations working across the world to help children affected by war. International Peace Bureau - Federation founded in 1892 supports peace and disarmament initiatives and creates international projects. Also acts as publishing house and conference organizer. Member organizations, publications, events, programs, and opportunities for involvement. World Peace Prayer Society - Nonprofit, non-sectarian organization dedicated to spreading the message and prayer "May Peace Prevail on Earth". Programs include the Peace Pole Project, Peace Pals, and Youth for Peace. Dear Mr President: Words of Resistance, Reason, and Peace - Features letters to the U.S. President urging him to pursue peace and non-violence instead of war in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Also provides suggestions for activism and letter-writing, as well as quotations on war and peace. Peace Pledge Union - Wide range of resources on peace, war, conflict, and nonviolence. Reflective and factual material, including resources for pupils and teachers. Seeking Peace, Pursuing Justice - Reform Movement's campaign to educate and mobilize North American Jewry to support peace efforts and social justice causes in Israel. News and information, publications, program ideas, and educational resources. Tribe of Heart - Making use of storytelling, visual media, and the arts to present a vision of a compassionate future. Inspirational quotes and articles, email discussion list, action opportunities, newsletter, and events. Baring Witness - When 45 Marin County, California women were photographed forming the word PEACE with their naked bodies, it struck a deep chord. Similar nude and clothed actions have since taken place across the US and around the world and more are encouraged. Photo album, how-to information, press clips, and resources. United Religions Initiative - Works to promote enduring, daily interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence, and to create cultures of peace, justice, and healing for the Earth and all living beings. Programs, FAQ, news, events, and resources. No More Victims - Dedicated to informing the public about the human costs of US foreign policy and putting a name and a face to the invisible victims. Provides ideas for action and involvement, photographs, news, and links. Disarm Education Fund - Promotes peace and social justice by forming strategic partnerships with popular social movements in developing countries and through advocacy in the United States for a foreign policy focused on human rights and human needs. Includes issues, action alerts, news, and related links. Global Action to Prevent War - Coalition-building effort to stop war, genocide, and internal armed conflicts. Features a list of countries with members, position papers, FAQ, ways to become involved, and membership information. One World One People for Peace - Group working to turn the concept of world peace from a theoretical ideal into a practical, workable reality. Promotes volunteering all over the world. Mission statement, articles, and links to volunteer opportunities. International Alert - Independent, non-governmental organization that works at local, national, regional, and global levels to generate conditions and processes conducive to the cessation of war and the generation of sustainable peace. Publications, field projects, news, and events. Peace Jam - An international education program built around leading Nobel Peace Laureates with the goal to inspire a new generation of peacemakers who will transform their local communities, themselves, and the world. Peacebuilders Initiative - Offers many resources for peacebuilders, such as articles on youth ministry, pastoral letters and other church teachings, and links to organizations and readings on youth and faith development in the Chicago area. Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue - Organisation dedicated to the promotion of humanitarian principles, the prevention of conflict, and the alleviation of its effects through dialogue. Nonviolent Jesus - An unofficial weblog by a member of the Catholic peace movement Pax Christi, to highlight Church teachings that nonviolence is at the heart of the Gospel. Refusing to Kill - Encouraging people in the military to get out. Reach and Teach - This website is a somewhat eclectic collection of information useful for educating activists of all ages working for peace and social justice. Mideast: Just peace- Supporting resistance from Palestine to Traverse City - Mideast Just Peace is an educational group providing community debates, film showings and general discussion on the Mideast crisis. Peace Tax Seven - Seven war tax resisters who are seeking a change in the law to allow them and other conscientious objectors to divert their taxes spent on war to finance nonviolent methods of solving conflicts. Musical Missions - Two Americans building understanding between America and the Arab world through playing popular Arabic music. Disarmament and Security Centre - New Zealand based resource centre for alternative thinking on disarmament and security issues. Pax Christi International - A non-profit, non-governmental Catholic peace movement working on a global scale on a wide variety of issues in the fields of human rights, security and disarmament, economic justice and ecology. The Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies - Institute at the University of Notre Dame conducts educational, research, and outreach programs on international peace. AJ Muste Memorial Institute - Nonprofit charitable foundation established in 1974 to honor the legacy of pacifist leader A.J. Muste and to further his belief that nonviolent action is the means to achieve social and economic justice. Provides biography of Muste, publications, as well as information on grants and sponsorships. Episcopal Peace Fellowship - Aids and encourages all Episcopalians to strive for justice and peace among all people and to bear nonviolent witness to Christ's call to peace. Action updates and contact information for interest groups and local chapters. Peace Action West - Membership organization fostering broad-based civic activism to create a strong voice for peaceful and pragmatic solutions to global problems. Includes Congressional scorecard, campaign information, and blog. Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER) - News, action alerts, upcoming events, flyers and fact sheets. World Federalist Movement - Institute for Global Policy - An advocate for global governance and United Nations reform along federalist principles. Goo Goo Dolls Fans For Peace - Uniting fans of the Goo Goo Dolls to work for peace and encourage the band to continue speaking out against war. Events, protest tips, message board, photo gallery, peace art and poetry.
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