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This category lists organizations that advocate for the right to die. Some groups support only physician assisted dying for competent, terminally ill individuals, while others seek to legalize hastened dying for those who are chronically or mentally (but not necessarily terminally) ill.
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DGHS - Lists contact information for right-to-die societies by country. Right to Die-NL - A translation of the Society's site that includes information about Dutch law and court cases, and advance directives. Dignity in Dying - The campaign to legalize assisted dying for terminally ill, mentally competent adults in the United Kingdom. Death with Dignity National Center - Information on U.S. polling, state legislation, the Oregon Death with Dignity Act, and case of Oregon v. Ashcroft. Dying with Dignity NSW - Aims to promote appropriate legislation for voluntary euthanasia. Euthanasia Research and Guidance Organization (ERGO) - Derek Humphry's United States based non-profit organization, blog and international listserv dedicated to the issues of assisted dying, euthanasia, and the right-to-die movement. Hosts information, essays, video, and articles. South Australian Voluntary Euthanasia Society - SAVES' website contains dozens of fact sheets and news articles, information about attempts to change South Australia's law, and advance directives forms. Voluntary Euthanasia Society of New Zealand - Information about the country's laws affecting end-of-life choice, summaries of national and international news, and their response to misrepresentations about hastened dying. Dying With Dignity Canada - Information about advance care planning, patient rights and the right to die including national and international news, and extensive resources relating to pro-euthanasia positions. BBC News - "Dignitas: Swiss suicide helpers" - An article about Dignitas, a Swiss right to die organization. Cancer Pain Aid Association: News You Can Use - An article about the formation of The Kolkata Society for the Right to Die with Dignity in India. World Federation of Right to Die Societies - Contains 37 organizational members in 23 countries, with news from around the world as well as comprehensive fact sheets. Final Exit Network - US nonprofit organization lists aims such as serving people who are suffering from an intolerable condition. Right to Die Society of Canada - Seeks equitable access to euthanasia in Canada. Friends at the End - UK society lists aims such as providing information on all aspects surrounding end of life. Voluntary Euthanasia Society (West Australia) - Lists activities to promote a legal right to request death and invites membership. Choices Arizona - Includes legislation for Arizona, newsletters, events and how to volunteer or donate. Compassion and Choices - An organization dedicated to the care and rights of terminally ill patients, including those seeking physician aid in dying. The site provides information about their patient, advocacy, and legal activities, as well as a number of resources for dying patients and their families. Exit International - Formerly the Voluntary Euthanasia Research Foundation, it was founded by Dr Philip Nitschke who was a pioneer in administering legal, voluntary euthanasia. Activities include clinics, workshops and research. Dying With Dignity Victoria (Australia) - This site provides a number of resources, including advanced directives, articles, a glossary, and information on state laws pertaining to end-of-life choice. Patient Choices Vermont - Information about the Vermont Death With Dignity Act (2003 legislation that would legalize physician assisted dying in the state) and the Vermont Death With Dignity political action organization. Hemlock Society of San Diego - Articles and resources about dying with dignity, events and videos.
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