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CNN: Youth Gangs No Longer Just a Big City Problem - Information from the FBI reveals how gangs follow family relocation patterns. NPR : Gangs Reach Out of Prison to Commit Crimes - A federal judge in San Francisco is due to sentence five leaders of a California prison gang. The men have already pleaded guilty to drug dealing, extortion and murder across northern California. What's unusual is that the gang leaders were already serving life sentences in one of America's most secure prisons when they ordered the crimes. [12:56 streaming audio broadcast] Florida Department of Corrections: Gangs and Security Threat Group Awareness - Includes information on Crips, Bloods, Folks, People, Prison-based sets, and security threat groups. Time Magazine: L.A.'s Gangs are Back - 2001 article overviews the resurgence of gang-related violent crime in Los Angeles. Gangland - An e-mail based discussion list for law enforcement personnel. 2002 OJJDP National Youth Gang Symposium - Symposium/Conference to provide professionals who work with gang members with information about effective strategies to reduce gang-related violence. The Symposium will be held June 10-13, 2002, in Orlando, Florida. National Alliance of Gang Investigator's Associations - National overview, articles on specific types of gangs and the "National Gang Threat Assessment." Links to local contacts in the U.S. Stop Varrio Warfare - Articles on (and links to) Latino street gangs from around the U.S. American RadioWorks - Locked Down: Gangs In the Supermax - Investigative print and radio series. "Twenty years ago, a new kind of prison was taking America by storm. The supermax prison was designed to incapacitate dangerous criminals by locking them down in stark isolation, sometimes for years on end. So have the supermaxes lived up to their promise of stopping violent criminals?" Wannabe: - Documentary by John Whitehead about the gang-related murder and suicide of four teenagers in the rural community of Appleton, Wisconsin. Profiles the increasing role of gangs in rural communities around America.
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