This category lists history sites and pages about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot which is mainly celebrated in England each year on November 5th. On this date in 1605, a group of Roman Catholics, led by Guy Fawkes, unsuccessfully attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in what became known as the Gunpowder Plot. Guy' Fawkes' Day" Pronunciation: (gI' fôks'), (in Britain) November 5, celebrating the anniversary of the capture of Guy Fawkes. Cf. Gunpowder Plot. Bon•fire Pronunciation: (bon'fIur"), —n. 1. A large fire built in the open air, for warmth, entertainment, or celebration, to burn leaves, garbage, etc., or as a signal. 2. any fire built in the open Gun'powder Plot" An unsuccessful plot to kill King James I and the assembled Lords and Commons by blowing up Parliament, November 5, 1605, in revenge for the laws against Roman Catholics. Cf. Guy Fawkes Day. Guy Fawkes Day, Guy Fawkes Night and Bonfire Night are all the same, as in The Fall and Autumn.