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Sites discussing the influence of the development of nuclear energy on popular culture, history, and society including those that discuss the history of the development of nuclear energy either for military or power production purposes.
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Atomic Archive - Timeline of nuclear weapon development, biographies of atomic scientists, accounts of nuclear tests, arms-control treaties, full text original documents, an image and video gallery, a glossary and teachers guide. The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History - A museum covering the historical development of atomic energy and armaments. Includes virtual tours of Manhattan Project, nuclear arms, delivery systems, nuclear non-proliferation, and non-military applications of nuclear technology. Citizens Nuclear Information Center - Provides updates on the nuclear industry in Japan, follows events in depth that affect the public and publishes informational literature on nuclear topics. English version of a Japanese site. SRS -- Historical Highlights - Chronology of the Savanna River Site, part of the DOE Nuclear Weapons Complex. Covers significant historical developments in the mission and evolution of the facility. Part of a larger site which includes environmental, technological, and general information about the plant. Bikini Atoll - Information on Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands, the site of many American nuclear tests in the 1940s and 1950s. Includes a history of the islands and the nuclear tests as well as information on efforts to clean up radioactive contamination and US reparations. History of Nuclear Power Plant Safety - A time line covering the period from the 1940s to the present day and detailing the development of safety features, practices and systems in nuclear power plants. Includes bibliographic references. Nuclear Testing in India and Pakistan: Selected Internet Resources - Information on Indian and Pakistani nuclear weapons research and development. Includes statements, position papers, research and analysis, news coverage and opinion polls, and related information on nuclear proliferation. Health Physics - Historical Instrumentation Collection - To chronicle the scientific and commercial history of radioactivity and radiation. Conelrad: All Things Atomic - Atomic culture past and present. A clearinghouse of atomic links, articles, photos, and memorabilia of the atomic age. Canada's Role in the Atomic Bomb Programs of the US, UK, France & India - A chronology of Canada's contributions to the nuclear weapon programs of several countries. Includes material on the production of plutonium at Chalk River and the accident there, the development and export of CANDU reactors, a picture gallery and other material. Harry K. Daghlian, Jr. - America's First Peacetime Atom Bomb Fatality - Daghlian worked for the Manhattan Project. The site tells his story and serves as a memorial. Leo Szilard Online - Leo Szilard (1898-1964) participated in the American Manhattan Project but afterwards became a leading critic of the Cold War nuclear arms race. Includes biographical information, documents, photos, audio, links. Anti-Nuke Alert - A collection of speeches, articles, and full text documents on nuclear safety, legislation, and treaties. Map of nuclear hazards in the US, links section and NucNews, a collection of news clippings, archive available. The Bureau of Atomic Tourism - The Bureau of Atomic Tourism promotes tourist locations that have either been the site of atomic explosions, display exhibits on the development of atomic devices, or contain atomic weapons delivery systems. Includes links to related materials. The American Experience | Race for the Super Bomb - Material from the documentary on the US/Soviet race to develop the hydrogen bomb. Includes a timeline, photographs, the people who were involved, maps, film clips of nuclear tests and a teachers guide. Frontline: Russian Roulette - Discusses missing nuclear materials from the former Soviet Union, suitcase bombs, interviews, readings, the future of nuclear weapons and the Russian nuclear complex. Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion - Introduction - Covers the US failed project to produce atomic powered aircraft. A detailed look at the technology involved as well as materials relating to the reasons the program failed. Natural Resources Defense Council - The Internet and the Bomb - A research guide to policy and information about nuclear weapons. Radiation Information Network - Collection of links on the history of radiation and radiation protection. Nuclear Weapon Research on the Internet - In depth collection of links to nuclear news, information, research, searches on nuclear topics, software to model nuclear blast effects, history, commentary, and links pages. Archive of Nuclear Data - Reports, tables, and statistics on nuclear stockpiles, strategic nuclear forces, and nuclear test programs of the United States, Russia, France, China, and Great Britain. Atlas Missile Silo - Read about the first generation ICBM missile Silos put into service by the United States Air Force during the early 1960's. Atomic Heritage Foundation - A non-profit dedicated to preservation and interpretation of the Manhattan Project and Atomic Age. Information about historic properties, museum exhibits, publications, and documentary films. ORNL: The First 50 Years - History of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory from the 1940s to the 1990s, including the Manhattan Project era. Details the building of the lab, addition of facilities, the scientists who worked there, and the surrounding communities. The Bomb for My Pillow--A Child of the Atomic Age - A young African-American man's reminiscence of growing up in the shadow of nuclear annihilation during the 1950's. Educators may copy it freely. Bobby and the A-Bomb Factory - Provides a free version of Bob Myers' childhood memoir about growing up in the 1950s in the shadow of the Hanford A-Bomb plant. Purdue Physics - The War Period - Essay on the war time history of the physics department of Purdue University detailing work done there as a part of the Manhattan Project and in physics in general. The Nuclear Weapon Archive - Discusses the physics of the various types of nuclear weapons and the effects of nuclear explosions. Includes a history, images, and chronology of atomic and thermonuclear weapons testing. Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory - Research Library: History - A collection of links from the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory on its role in the history of American nuclear weapons development. Titan II Missile System - The history of the missile system, includes images and diagrams of the silo and layout of a typical site. Atomic Bomb - Decision - Documents on the decision to use the atomic bomb. The Manhattan Project Historical Documents - Principal documents include: The Quebec Agreement, The Roosevelt-Churchill Tube Alloys Deal, Interim Committee's Report, Report of the Committee on Political and Social Problems (The Franck Report), and Atomic Energy for Military Purposes (The Smyth Report). Living in an Atomic Age - Experiences and references about life during the Atomic Age in Nebraska, the beginning of Strategic Air Command, civil defense and other topics with links. Nuclear Age Timeline - Nuclear Age Timeline, The timeline traces the nuclear age from the discovery of x-rays and radioactivity to the explosion of the first atomic bomb through the cold war to its thaw and the cleanup of the nuclear weapons complex. Nuclear Connection Project - Traces connections between UFO sightings and the history of US nuclear research and development activities. NRC: Our History - A brief history of the agency and its predecessor, the AEC. Accelerating Cleanup: Paths to Closure - Outlines the Energy Department's work to clean up contamination at DOE legacy sites. Nike Air Defense Missile - This System was deployed around dozens of major US cities and intended to protect them against bomber attack, describes the system and where they were deployed. In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer - By the Avalon Project of the Yale Law School, has original documents from the findings and recommendation of the Personnel Security Board in the case of Dr. Oppenheimer. Includes letters, and the opinion written by the Atomic Energy Commission. Titan II ICBM Web Page - Describes the mission and capabilities of the system, includes photos, launch history, diagrams of the components of the missiles and their launch facilities and crew details. Alsos Digital Library for Nuclear Issues - Wide range of vetted, indexed, annotated references for the study of nuclear issues. Collection is searchable and includes books, articles, films, CD-ROMs, and websites. Scientific Data of the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Disaster - Information on the physical, medical and epidemiological effects of the bombing of Nagasaki. Includes the testimony of Dr. Raisuke Shirabe, maps of the destroyed areas, and a list of links for further information. Nuke Pop - An examination of the effect of the atomic age on popular culture in America. Deals with everything from mushroom clouds on record covers to movies and comic books. The Atomic Age: A Brief Overview - An overview of the Manhattan Project, the use of the bomb, the development of the Cold War and the physics of nuclear weapons. Includes photographs and a bibliography. U.S. Nuclear Weapons Cost Study Project - The Brookings Institution studied the history of nuclear weapons development, production, and testing in the United States. Extensive information on historical weapons programs and their costs. Andrei Sakharov: Soviet Physics, Nuclear Weapons and Human Rights - A biography of Andrei Sakharov and his contributions to Soviet nuclear weapons research, nuclear fusion, cosmology, human rights, and world peace. Includes a bibliography and links to related sites. Nuclear Weapons - Database of nuclear explosions, image gallery of test photos of US and other nuclear tests, chronology and background information on nuclear weapons.
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