The Bee Works - A site for amateur bee keepers, hints and tips on bee keeping, Queen rearing and hive manipulation using ventilated bee hives. Offers products on-line.
Brushy Mountain Bee Farm - Offers a full line of beekeeping equipment, from beginners kits and hardware to medications and protective clothing. North Carolina, USA.
Dadant & Sons - Retailer of beekeeping supplies, and beeswax candles. Branches across the USA. - For the needs of the back yard beekeeper. Online shopping from a Connecticut firm.
Mann Lake Ltd. - Offers a line of hives, protective clothing, feeds, medications, mite controls, and honey producing equipment and supplies.
Beediverse - Suppliers of mason bees for tree pollination. Information about products and on caring for the bees.
Bee Suits Cheap - Offers bee suits, such as needed for protection against killer African honeybees.
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