These sites have purchasing information specific to psoriasis products, treatments, and services. Whenever treatment claims are made for an ingredient, the US FDA classifies that ingredient as a drug. The only FDA approved over-the-counter drug treatments for psoriasis currently contain either coal tar or salicylic acid. All other drug treatments either require a prescription, or are classified as unapproved new drugs. Beware of claims for other "FDA approved ingredients", as they don't meet FDA approval as safe and effective for the treatment of psoriasis. They may be included in products as inactive ingredients, but the labeling (including web sites) can't legally make psoriasis treatment claims about them. Listing of products here does not imply endorsement, and web site content often changes. Be sure to research any treatment on your own and discuss it with a qualified skin specialist, especially if it means modifying any current psoriasis treatment. Ask questions of the vendors, especially if there is no listing of product ingredients (required by law on any labeling). We all have the right to make informed health care decisions.