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Preiss, Walter - Samples of high speed video camera systems, background and links. Hanson, Kenneth - A researcher in areas of Bayesian tomographic reconstruction from limited data, 3D tomographic reconstruction, optical tomography, and the evaluation of reconstruction methods based on visual task performance. Decencière, Etienne - Works at the Centre for Mathematical Morphology. Main research interests: film and video restoration, motion estimation, characterization of topographic surfaces. Leykin, Alex - Personal info, research interests and academics. Bouvigne, Gabriel - Interests audio compression and image processing. El-Hussuna, Dr. Alaa - A plastic surgeon and image analysis researcher with information on education, work experience, research, publications and contact. Siebel, Nils T - Describes research work on people tracking for visual surveillance, software engineering aspects of vision systems and the application of computer vision to robot control. Tarel, Jean-Philippe - Publications in image processing and computer vision. Delaunay, Xavier - PhD in image processing from the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, France. Publications, thesis, tutorials, tips and tricks. D'Hondt, Olivier - PhD in radar and sonar image analysis and processing at the Remote Sensing Laboratory, France. Includes CV, biography, research description, publications list and contact information.
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