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Center for Ecological Study of Perception and Action - Dedicated to studying the problems of perceiving and acting from an ecological perspective. Perceptual Neuroscienc Lab @ BU - Somers' Lab web page at Boston University Infancy Studies Laboratory - Rutgers University - Under the direction of Dr. April Benasich, we use behavioral and electrocortical measures to examine language and cognitive development from infancy to adulthood. Perceptual Science Group - Part of the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT, researching human visual perception, machine vision, and image processing. Includes profiles of group members, description of research, and gallery of perceptual illusions. Perception and Neurodynamics Group - at Ohio State Univ. Studies "neurocomputational mechanisms underlying perceptual processes and on building effective algorithms for solving real-world problems related to perception." (DeLiang Wang, director) Cognitive Development Lab - Cognitive architecture in early development, object cognition in infancy, "theory of mind". Presents the lab and current research topics. neuroMod - Research, data sets, Neural network simulation software, and database of neurosimulators and models. (University of Amsterdam, Director: J.M.J. Murre) Centre for Learning Psychology and Behaviour Therapy - A research unit of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, involved in research on associative learning, automatic affective processing, psychophysiology of fear, and related topics
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