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Open to English-language and multilingual sites featuring academic and professional linguistics organizations, associations, and societies.
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Modern Language Association - A not-for-profit membership organization that promotes the study and teaching of language and literature. Canadian Linguistic Association - Organizes a yearly conference on linguistics. The site presents programs and online proceedings of previous years' conferences as well as membership information. Linguistic Society of America - Membership information, member email list, constitution, and a directory of programs in linguistics in the United States and Canada. Women in German Studies - Professional support for female Germanists (lecturers, translators, tutors, editors, and writers) in Great Britain and Ireland. Mission statement, membership information, event announcements, links. Society for Germanic Linguistics - Founded in 1968 to serve scholars teaching and researching in Germanic Linguistics and Philology. Journal of Germanic Linguistics, newsletter, and conference updates. European Association for Lexicography (Euralex) - Provides information on membership, conferences, award, newsletter, personnel, bookshop, journals, calendar of events and mailing list. International Systemic-Functional Linguistics Association (ISFLA) - The international organising body for the Systemic community. Its main function is the organisation of the International Systemic-Functional Congress ISFC (Annual Congress). Australasian Association for Lexicography (AUSTRALEX) - Includes dictionaries, conferences, members and subscription information. Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe - Organizes a yearly conference for students of linguistics worldwide, aiming to provide a forum for the coming generations of linguistics to present independent research to an international audience. Also publishes a yearly volume of proceedings, which are available online for download as of year 2000. The Berkeley Linguistics Society - A graduate student-run organization at the University of California, Berkeley dedicated to sponsoring an annual conference and publishing the proceedings. The site lists programs of previous conferences. Linguistics Association of Great Britain - Covers membership information and provides resources on linguistics in Great Britain. Also includes information on its annual conference. Australian Linguistic Society - National organization for linguistics and linguists in Australia. Covers membership information, proceedings of previous conferences, and information on awards and scholarships. African Association for Lexicography (AFRILEX) - Information on membership, conferences and activities, dictionaries by members, newsletters and a mailing list Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics - Encourages research in a variety of theoretical framework. Conferences, proceedings, minutes, financial report and officers. Centre for Research on Brain, Language and Music - Presents news, membership information, conferences and an events calendar. The Chicago Linguistic Society - Oldest student-run linguistic society in the US. Holds an annual, peer-reviewed, international conference in early Spring where linguists from all around the world present and discuss their work. Also publishes a volume of proceedings each year on papers presented in the conference. The site offers a list of previous years' conference programs and some of the online proceedings.
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