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Russian language, also known as "русский язык" (transliteration: russkiy yazyk), is an Eastern-Slavic member of the Indo-European language family spoken by approximately 278 million people in Russia and 30 other countries.
Sites [ Submit ] - A reference and information portal for the Russian language available fully in Russian. It provides a free Question & Answer service on Russian stylistic, a series of standard dictionaries, online textbooks and publications, news about the Russian language, educational games and a forum. Russian National Corpus - A searchable 150 million word collection of samples of written and spoken Russian from a wide range of texts in electronic form. The corpus represents modern Russian in all the variety of genres, styles, territorial and social variants of usage. An On-line Russian Reference Grammar - Sections organized by parts of speech. Includes Java exercises. Learn Russian - Vocabulary and alphabet practice, quizzes, sound files. Russian Alphabet Tutorial - Introduces the Russian alphabet; includes some practice exercises and sound files. Does not require Russian fonts to be installed. Wikipedia - Russian Language - A collaboratively edited article covering classification, geographic distribution, writing system, sounds, grammar, vocabulary and history of the language. Russian - A very thorough reference grammar of the Russian language, by Edna Andrews. Part of the Reference Grammar Network of the Slavic and East European Language Resource Center. Russian Lessons .Net - Beginners' lessons on Russian grammar and vocabulary. Includes verb conjugations, dictionary, dual-language books and exercises. Learn Russian - Frequency lists for over 2,000 Russian words. Sorted by parts of speech and accompanied with quizzes. English translations available. Russian Language for Lovers - Online Russian course, grammar lessons, vocabulary and translation tools. Specific focus on language used for dating, relationships and marriage. Taste of Russian - Audio podcasts for learning Russian as a foreign language. Topics include: sports, school, meeting people, apartment rental, hiking and holidays. Russian Word of the Day - Discover a new Russian word every day along with its English translation, example sentences, related words and pronunciation samples. Russian For Everyone - Grammar lessons and exercises for elementary learners of Russian. Includes audio files, summary tables and language games. - Get help with Russian letters, basic grammar, and key phrases for travel to Russia. Study Russian Online - Topical lessons for beginners, word lists with exercises, articles on phonetics, tests and games. - Video lessons, grammar, and quizzes for beginning and intermediate learners. Russian Word of the Day - Daily analysis of the Russian vocabulary in blog format. Authored by Don Livingston, a professor from Arizona State University. Livemocha's Russian Courses - Free online Russian courses for beginner and intermediate language learners. Get help from native Russian speakers. Russian Morphological Analysis - A database that analyzes/synthesizes forms and whole paradigms of Russian words. Entry by English translations also available. Best viewed with special fonts (downloadable onsite). Online Russian Grammar at Cornell - Grammar and vocabulary explanations from the second edition of Beginning Russian adapted by the author. It presents all the major grammatical categories of Russian. - Lessons on grammar, vocabulary, alphabet and pronunciation. For both beginning and advanced students of Russian. Includes verb conjugation tables, dictionary, culture articles, and Russian literature with side-by-side English translations. Russian National Corpus-based Dictionaries - A collection of dictionaries prepared by the RAS Institute of the Russian language based on the Russian National Corpus. Includes the Grammatical dictionary of Russian neologisms, the New Russian frequency dictionary, the Combinatory dictionary of Russian intensifiers, the Verbal combinatory dictionary of Russian abstract nouns. Transparent Language's Russian Blog - Multiple bloggers write on language and culture in Russia. Topics cover Russian holidays, history, travel, current events and food. New Russian vocabulary is introduced and explained inside blog posts. NCLRC's Russian Webcasts - A survey of authentic Russian news delivered twice monthly in simplified standard Russian. Accompanied by scripts, vocabulary support, and post-listening activities. Suitable for intermediate-level students. Russificate - Language learning blog by certified Russian language teacher Yulia Amlinskaya. Sections include grammar, vocabulary, interactive exercises, communication and culture. Time to Speak in Russian! - An online beginners class for the study of Russian as a foreign language, including two basic courses with supplemental language learning materials. Prepared by the Moscow State University's Center of International Education. Russnet - Thematic modules for language instruction that can be used in the classroom or for independent study. Free registration required. Russian for Free - Online Russian lessons, texts, grammar tables, dialogues and videos. Очень по-русски - Russian language podcasts with transcripts for intermediate and advanced learners. Covers slang, idioms and common expressions. TITUS Font for Slavisch-Kyrillisch - Download the TITUS font from here. Everyday Russian - Free online Russian lessons with audio. Includes word and phrase of the week, dictations, verb conjugations, error correction exercises, tests and quizzes. [English, French, Spanish]
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