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This category is for organizations that do not themselves conduct scientific research but aim to spread information about such research. It includes the associations and societies covering the major disciplines of Forensic Science irrespective of geographical location
Those specializing in just one aspect covered by the sub-categories of the main category, may be found there.
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International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts - IABPA formed in 1983, now listing objectives, training workshops, annual conference on research in bloodstain pattern analysis administered from Edmonton, AB, Canada. The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists - TIAFT net provides virtual meeting point for toxicologists to exchange ideas, opinions, news and suggestions about toxicological themes and drugs of abuse analysis from Rimini, Italy. Iowa Division of the International Association for Identification - Law enforcement forensic articles on footwear, photography, fingerprints, DNA, and links to other forensic sites from Iowa. Southern Association of Forensic Scientists - SAFS bylaws, membership details, message board, news, meetings and job opportunities in the southern United States. Society of Forensic Engineers and Scientists - Organized in 1980, incorporated 1996, to share forensic technical and business information, and to actively assist in upgrading the standards of the profession. Membership, specialties, and seminar calendar, mainly in CA. Canadian Society of Forensic Science - CSFS site deals with all aspects of forensic science, including online journal, DNA-based population studies data, history, meetings and related links. Based in Ottawa, ON, Canada. Kansas Division of the International Association for Identification - Law enforcement forensic site with links to training and other forensic sites from Kansas. American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors - ASCLD provides history, FAQ for prospective students, pdf scholarship application, offers secure secure mailihng list for members, with officers in active service throughout the USA. Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists - Promoting the exchange of ideas, techniques and standards of performance in forensic science from a regional association of the AAFS. American Academy of Forensic Sciences - AAFS represents physicians, attorneys, dentists, toxicologists, psychiatrists, engineers and educators, in the application of science to the law, with searchable journal, seminars and workshops throughout the USA. ASCLD Laboratory Accreditation Board - Details of voluntary program for crime laboratories to demonstrate management, operations, personnel, procedures, equipment, physical plant, security, and health and safety procedures meet established standards. Based in Garner, NC. American College of Forensic Examiners (ACFEI) - Multi-disciplinary scientific and professional association, disseminating forensic information through its journal, lectures, education courses, workshops, and distance courses from Springfield, MO. International Association for Identification - Forensic science organization providing publications, training, certification, and professional support in areas ranging from fingerprinting to firearms analysis and footwear identification. Includes job listings. Forensic Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry - The FIRMS Network seeks to develop the scope of stable isotope techniques in forensic applications. It aims to raise awareness of the potential of IRMS in forensic science, crime detection and reduction. The Chartered Society of Forensic Science - Offering information on their organization, membership, conferences, instruction to submit to their journal, online search of articles and worldwide events, from head quarters in Harrogate, England.
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