Graduate Program in Forensic Sciences - Master of Forensic Sciences Administration program for management of forensic-related organizations, and M.S. program for research in a particular discipline held by Forensic Sciences Department, OSU Center for Health Sciences, Tulsa, OK.
National Crime Investigation & Training - Training in physical evidence collection, preservation, interpretation, and crime investigation at Redding, CA.
Education in Forensic Science - Training guidance before you take the plunge into qualifying for a career in forensics from two forensic DNA consultant's who teach at UC, Berkley, CA.
Imprimus Forensic Services - Forensic consulting services for civil cases and customized police training in crime scene investigations, biological evidence, forensic photography and footwear and tire track evidence at Arlington Heights, IL.
National Center for Forensic Science - Offers education and training in physical, digital and biological evidence, research projects aiming to meet the current and future needs of the forensic science and law for the NIJ at University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.
Crime Scene Investigation - Crime scene investigation resources, training, articles and related links in the United States.
Marshall University Forensic Science Center - Offers a FEPAC accredited graduate program, DNA analysis, digital forensics, research and outreach programs available to the criminal justice community, law enforcement, and the public in Huntington , West Virginia.
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