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Conferences meetings and workshops in Mathematical Physics which have already taken place but for which there is still 'added value'.
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Geometry Symmetry and Mechanics - Lisbon, Portugal; 11--16 July 2001. SPT2001 - Symmetry and Perturbation Theory - Cala Gonone, Sardinia; 6 -- 13 May 2001. Tubes, Sheets and Singularities in Fluid Dynamics - NATO Advanced Research Workshop, sponsored as an IUTAM Symposium. Zakopane, Poland; 2--7 September 2001. QMath-8 - Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics. Taxco, Mexico; 10--14 December 2001. Fourteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference - Adelaide University, South Australia; 9--14 December 2001. Arrangements and Mathematical Physics - NSF-CBMS Regional Research Conference. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA; 15--19 January 2002. Conference photographs. Workshop on Integrable Systems - University of Leeds, UK; 6--7 March 1998. SPT 2002 (SPT IV) - Symmetry and Perturbation Theory. Cala Gonone, Sardinia, Italy; 19--26 May 2002. The 6th Conference on Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics - Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, Tennessee, USA. Preliminary lectures 18--19 May, Conference 20--25 May 2002. Geometry, Integrability and Quantization - St Constantine and Elena, Varna, Bulgaria; 6--15 June 2002. NBMP2 - North British Mathematical Physics Seminar. University of York; 13 June 2002. Computational Methods for Wave Propagation in Direct Scattering - LMS Durham Symposium, UK; 15--25 July 2002. SCDS 2002 - 3rd International Summer School on Symmetry and Cosymmetry Applications in the Theory of Bifurcations. Big Sochi, Russia; 27 August -- 2 September 2002. NSEC8 - Navier-Stokes Equations and Related Topics. Saint-Petersburg, Russia; 11--18 September 2002. Bariloche 2000: Quantum symmetries in theoretical physics and mathematics - Proceedings of the school "Bariloche 2000". San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, January 10-21, year 2000. Lectures by N. Andruskiewitsch, M. Dubois-Violette, D. Evans, A. Ocneanu, O. Ogievetsky, J.-B. Zuber. Interactions between Representation Theories, Knot Theory, Topology, Quantum Field Theory, Category Theory, and Mathematical Physics - SUNY Potsdam, NY, USA; 2--6 June 2003. Dirac Operators: Yesterday and Today - Summer School and Workshop. Center for Advanced Mathematical Sciences (CAMS), American University of Beirut (AUB), Beirut, Lebanon; 27 August -- 7 September 2001. Workshop on Stochastics and Quantum Physics - Centre for Mathematical Physics and Stochastics, University of Aarhus, Denmark; 21--26 October 1999. Variational Methods in Celestial Mechanics - AIM Research Conference Center (ARCC) workshop. American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto, CA, USA; 9--14 June 2003. Strings 2003 - Kyoto, Japan; 6--11 July 2003. ICMP 2003 - 14th International Congress on Mathematical Physics. University of Lisbon, Portugal; 28 July -- 2 August 2003. Linear Operators and Foundations of Quantum Mechanics - Von Neumann centennial conference. Budapest, Hungary; 15--20 October 2003. L2 Harmonic Forms in Geometry and String Theory - AIM Research Conference Center (ARCC), Palo Alto, CA, USA; 17--21 March 2004. RTKTA-2004 - Recent Trends in Kinetic Theory and its Applications. Kyiv, Ukraine; 11--15 May 2004. NBMPS9 - North British Mathematical Physics Seminar. University of York, UK; 9 June 2004. OTAMP 2004 - Operator Theory and Applications in Mathematical Physics. A satellite conference of 4ecm. Bedlewo Conference Center, Poland; 6--11 July 2004. Stochastic--Geometric and Combinatorial Ideas in Statistical Mechanics - Göteborg, Sweden; 21--25 June 2004. XIIIth Oporto Meeting on Geometry, Topology and Physics - Oporto, Portugal; 16--19 July 2004. The 7th International Diffiety School - The aim of the school is to introduce undergraduate and graduate students in Mathematics and Physics, as well as post-doctoral researchers and other mathematicians into a recently emerged area of mathematics and theoretical physics: Secondary Calculus. Santo Stefano del Sole (Avellino), Italy; 19--31 July 2004. CCMECH5 - V International Symposium on classical and celestial mechanics. Velikie Luki, Russia; 23--28 August 2004. ICTAM 2004 - XXI International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Warsaw, Poland; 15--21 August 2004. Pre-registration online. Modern Problems of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics - Bogolyubov conferences. Dubna, Russia; 30 August -- 3 September 2004. Kyiv, Ukraine; 13--17 September 2004. Forms of Homotopy Theory: Elliptic Cohomology and Loop Spaces - Workshop in the program on the Geometry of String Theory. Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada; 27 September -- 2 October 2004. ISS 2005 - IPM String School and Workshop. Qeshm Island, Iran; 5--14 January 2005. String Phenomenology - Workshop in the program on the Geometry of String Theory. Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Canada; 28 March -- 1 April 2005. Gravitational Aspects of String Theory - Workshop in the program on the Geometry of String Theory. Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada; 2--6 May 2005. LMS Regional Meeting and Workshop - Quantization, deformations, and new homological and categorical methods in mathematical physics. Manchester, UK; 7--13 July 2001. MASESS II - Summer School on Mechanics and Symmetry. Peyresq, France; 2--15 September 2001. MASESS I - Mechanics and Symmetry Euro Summer School. Peyresq, France; 3--16 September 2000. Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems and their Symmetries - Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK; 2--8 December 2001. Derived Categories, Quivers and Strings - ICMS, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK; 2--6 August 2004. Mathematical Analysis of Hydrodynamics - Euro Summer School and Instructional Conference. ICMS, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK; 18--29 June 2003. Statistical Mechanics - A conference in honour of the 75th birthday of Oliver Penrose. ICMS, Edinburgh, UK; 24--25 June 2004. Integrable Systems - Research session at the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK; July to December 2001. M-Theory - Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK; 4 February -- 19 July 2002. Nonlinear Hyperbolic Waves in Phase Dynamics and Astrophysics - Research session at the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK; 27 January -- 11 July 2003. Magnetic Reconnection Theory - Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK; 2--27 August 2004. Twistor String Theory - London Mathematical Society at Oxford University in the UK from 10-14 January 2005. Site features summary of programs and names of lecturers. 50 Years of the Cauchy Problem in General Relativity - Summer School on mathematical general relativity and global properties of solutions of Einstein's equations. Cargèse, Corsica, France; 29 July -- 10 August 2002. Global Problems in Mathematical Relativity - Research session at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK; 8 August -- 23 December 2005. Principles of the Dynamics of Non-Equilibrium Systems - Research programme at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK; 9 January -- 30 June 2006. SPT - Symmetry and Perturbation Theory - A series of research conferences. SPT2004: Cala Gonone, Sardinia, Italy; 30 May -- 6 June 2004. Geometry, Topology and Physics - Xth Oporto Meeting. Oporto, Portugal; July 2003. Strings 2002 - Cambridge, UK; 15--20 July 2002. Infinite-Dimensional Algebras and Mathematical Physics - Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, California, USA; 7 January -- 17 May 2002. The Feynman Integral - MSRI, Berkeley, CA, USA; 9--12 December 2002. Conformal Field Theory and Supersymmetry - MSRI, Berkeley, CA, USA; 15--26 April 2002. Semi-classical Methods in Physics and Chemistry - MSRI, Berkeley, CA, USA; 7--11 April 2003. Hyperbolic Models in Astrophysics and Cosmology - Euroconference. Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK; 23--27 June 2003. Einstein Constraint Equations - Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK; 12--16 December 2005.
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