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Science/Physics/Education is for EDUCATIONAL web sites of interest to educators, parents, students and professionals emphasizing the teaching or learning of various aspects of physics or physical science. The best sites will try to teach or instruct about physics or physical science, though clear, easy-to-follow explanations of topics are useful as well. There are both a Science/Chemistry/Education and a Science/Biology/Education category here at ODP, and they may be more appropriate for some site submissions. This category is not for software or selling of products.
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Professor Stephen Hawking Online - Biographical, educational, and scholarly. Also includes a bit of fun (did you know he was on The Simpsons TV show?) Kenny Felder's Math and Physics Help Page - A collection of papers written to explain various concepts in math and physics, as well as papers generously donated by other people. How Everything Works - A service providing answers to questions about physics, science, and how things in the world around us work. Companion to the book by Louis Bloomfield called How Things Work. Mathematical Thinking in Physics - Articles, essays, and problems designed for students to learn more about the importance of math in the study and application of physics. Art Ludwig's Sound Page - Various explorations of sound, sound detection and sound measurement. Includes a section on physics of sound. Spacetime Wrinkles - Major advances in computation are only now enabling scientists to simulate how black holes form, evolve, and interact. Learn about relativity and its predictions through text and video files at this site. TYC Physics Workshops - Information about workshops provided for two-year or community college physics teachers and the products of this project. Society of Physics Students (SPS) - Complete set of information for members of any level of SPS. Scholarships and awards, news, activities, staff, structure, online forms, student resources, and links to significant physics sites. Fundamental Physical Constants from NIST - The values of the fundamental physical constants provided at this site are recommended for international use by CODATA and are the latest available. Contemporary Physics Education Project (CPEP) - A non-profit organization of teachers, educators, and physicists; at Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Web Physics Project - A flexible low budget outlet for small volume, high quality, HTML-based curricular material. It provides a forum for physics educators to exchange curriculum ideas and resources that make use of web technology (primarily public domain material), and provides a medium for the dissemination of student work. The Sound of Solitary Waves - Physicists have demonstrated the first acoustic solitary waves in air--waves that can travel long distances without changing shape. The Elements of Machines - Some simple machines, explained, described and illustrated. Teralab - Descriptions and photographs of electrostatics, electron bombardment and wave experiments done with home equipment. Thermal and Statistical Physics Curriculum Development Project - Includes an introduction to the project and its conferences, related papers and links, and some Java applets. The Physics Encyclopedia - This site provides exhaustive, comprehensive, carefully selected and structured lists on Internet physics resources. Static Electricity - Scientific explanation of the phenomenon of static electricity. Astrophysics Science Project Integrating Research and Education (ASPIRE) - Site dedicated to helping teachers with lessons in physics and astrophysics by giving computer activities that help show how physical models work. Physics, the Neglected Science - Pages to help increase awareness about the value of physics and to lend support to high school physics students, teachers, and parents. Intuitor - Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics - Reviews and rates Hollywood movies for bad physics content. Physics at Merton College - Matters related to the AS-level and A-level physics courses. The material covers topics in physics and its related mathematics and will supplement one's normal classwork. Physics Central - The outreach site of the members of The American Physical Society. Find out how physics is part of your world, ask questions on how things work, see physics in pictures, get updates on physics in the news, read about research and the people who are doing it and, if you want more, recommended links. How Atoms Work - Shows how man determined the structure of the atom and learned how atoms interacted with each other. Bicycle Physics - The physics of how to steer a bicycle, and how stop signs interfere with bicycle commuting. Cartoons and Movies - Some diagrams and movies illustrating some otherwise abstract electrical principles. Physics Reference - Physics symbols, constants, and SI units, prefixes and rules. Animations of Wave Motion - Animated GIFs and a discussion of some of the math involved. Select Physics Topics - This physics online ebook covers basic physics from Newton's laws to electricity and magnetism. Lots of applets and animation included. Common Errors in Undergraduate Mathematics - This page describes the errors seen most frequently in undergraduate mathematics, the likely causes of those errors, and their remedies. Avoid these errors in order to improve in any math-intensive course, including physics. How to Study Physics - A University of Texas classic, written before the web was around, but now revised and web-ready. APS - Division of Physics of Beams - History of beam physics research, and current information on the topic. Communities for Physics and Astronomy Digital Resources in Education (comPADRE) - A project to create well organized, digital collections of high quality educational materials in physics and astronomy. ComPADRE consists of focused collections of materials for specific courses or serving specific constituencies, with connections to a wide range of online digital resources including curricular materials, digital libraries, and online journals, user communities that participate in the development and operation of these collections. Practical Physics - Enables teachers of physics to share their skills and experience of making experiments work in the classroom. Simple Electric Motors - Summary of science projects by Stan Pozmantir, a junior secondary student. Easy-to-build and inexpensive electric motors utilizing many physics principles. Physical Science for Nonscientists - Physics 1020 (2nd Semester) - Course website at University of Colorado. Includes lecture notes in pdf format. Henry Greenside's Duke Physics Challenges - Physics-related word-problem puzzles. Todd's Quantum Intro - A brief overview of quantum mechanics. Physics Virtual Bookshelf - A collection mostly of University of Toronto physics professor David M. Harrison's various presentations and course materials. Challenges In Teaching and Learning Introductory Physics - Addresses the troubles presented in introductory physics courses taken by students in their first two years of college. GRE Physics Prep - Yahoo group for people preparing for GRE Physics. Science-Pseudoscience - Science, non-science and pseudoscience: a set of lessons to teach students to define and differentiate the three. HyperPhysics Concepts - A concept map of physics showing relationships between topics while giving explanations and references. NSTA - Position Statement on Laboratory Science - Since the laboratory experience is of critical importance in the process of enhancing students' cognitive and affective understanding of science, the National Science Teachers Association makes the following recommendations. UMPERG: Minds-On Physics (MOP) - A one-year curriculum for high-school physics. It is the result of a materials-development project supported by the National Science Foundation, and its design was guided by educational research findings. The Quantum Exchange - A collection of information and resources for teachers of quantum physics. How Things Work - A service providing answers to questions about physics, science, and how things in the world around us work. Companion to the book by the same name. Andes Physics Tutor - Andes is an intelligent tutoring system which teaches students how to solve physics problems. It provides a complete set of homework problems for an introductory college physics course or a high school AP physics course. Physics - Provides an easy to use online physics textbook including laws, tables, experiments, a quiz and videos. Exploring Physics in Cyberspace - This site describes several tested extracurricular programs geared to introducing hands-on interactive physics activities for K-12 students. Supported by the National Science Foundation. Open Source Physics - The OSP project seeks to create and distribute curricular material for physics computation and physics education at all levels. Physics Teacher Education Program - Information on a BSc degree in physics teaching from Illinois State University. Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT) - Peer-reviewed online teaching and learning materials for physics. CosmoLearning Physics - Educational website offering thousands of courses, books and video lectures by the world's top scholars. Physclips - Provides physics animations, learning and reference tools for students and resources for teachers. The level is approximately that of introductory university or advanced high school. Physics for Idiots - Provides simple explanations for a number of physics, space and maths concepts, trying to break them down into stuff that actually makes sense. Science Animations - Provides a number of Flash animations to supplement handbooks in physics, maths and technology. Physical Science Resource Center (PSRC) - This site has plenty of resources for physics and physical science teachers K-16. International Physics Olympiads - Regional and international physics olympiads. Information, mailing lists, and links to all the IPhO problems available on the web. A Prelude to the Study of Physics - A paper by Robert J. Sciamanda, first published in Quantum Vol 7 No 2, pg. 45, Nov/Dec 1996. World Science U - Video clips and lectures about cosmology, particle physics, relativity and quantum mechanics presented by string theorist, Brian Greene. Requires free registration. FYKOS - Physical Correspondence Seminary - Worldwide competition in physics for grammar school (under age 19) students with an interest in physics. Engineering Encounters - Bridge Design Contest - Bridge design contest (using specialized software). U.S. students age 13 through grade 12 are eligible for prizes. Anyone else may enter the Open Competition. Overview, rules, resources, software download and FAQ. Physics Comics - Comics-style lessons in physics fundamentals. Topics include motion, forces, vectors, work and energy, and impulse and momentum.
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