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Kapovich, Michael - University of Utah. Low-dimensional geometry and topology. Kirby, Rob - Geometric topology. With the book "Problems in Low-Dimensional Topology". Ferry, Steve - Geometric and general topology. Includes survey articles. Hatcher, Allen - Geometric topology. With textbooks on Algebraic Topology, Vector Bundles and K-theory, and 3-manifolds. Bar-Natan, Dror - Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Quantum algebra and topology; bibliography of Vassiliev invariants. Wu, Jie - National University of Singapore. Homotopy theory, simplicial groups, configuration spaces and braid groups, modular representation theory of symmetric groups. McCammond, Jon - UC Santa Barbara. Geometric Group Theory and Low-Dimensional Topology, as well as the neighboring fields of Combinatorics, Graph theory, Computational Geometry and certain types of Riemannian Geometry. Courses, seminars, publications, preprints; resources on Geometric Group Theory. Christensen, Dan - Department of Mathematics at the University of Western Ontario. Research focuses on stable homotopy theory, model categories, derived categories, phantom maps, pro-spectra and quantum mechanics. Includes list of publications and course schedule. Gordon, Cameron McA. - University of Texas at Austin. Geometric Topology. Preprints. Strickland, Neil - Department of Pure Mathematics at the University of Sheffield, UK. Specializes in stable homotopy theory. Page includes lecture notes and courses taught. Sanderson, Brian - Geometric topology. Includes computations with knots and surfaces. Rourke, Colin - University of Warwick. Geometric topology papers and resources. Snaith, Victor P. - University of Sheffield. Research interests in number theory, algebra, representation theory and algebraic topology. Publications and notes.
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