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Conferences and other meetings in Statistics which have already taken place but for which the web sites still have some value.
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Joint Statistical Meetings - ASA/IMS/ENAR/WNAR. New York, NY, USA; 11--15 August 2002. ICOTS-7 - International Conference on Teaching Statistics: "Working Cooperatively in Statistics Education". Salvador, Bahia, Brazil; 2--9 July 2006. Advanced Computational Methods for Statistical Inference - Summer School. CIRM, Luminy, France; 17--21 September 2001. EMA 2001 - International Conference on Environmental Statistics. Cádiz, Spain; 21--23 November 2001. JSM 2001. Joint Statistical Meetings. Atlanta, 2001. - Joint Statistical Meetings of the ASA, Biometric Society, and IMS. Atlanta, Georgia; 5--9 August 2001. TIES 2002 - Annual Conference of The International Environmetrics Society. Genova, Italy; 18--22 June 2002. MMR 2002 - 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability. Trondheim, Norway; 17--20 June 2002. NORDSTAT 2002 - 19th Nordic Conference on Mathematical Statistics. Stockholm, Sweden; 9--13 June 2002. Current Advances and Trends in Nonparametric Statistics - Knossos Royal Village Conference Center, Crete, Greece; 15--19 July 2002. The Sixth Sense - 6th Sensometrics Meeting. Dortmund, Germany; 31 July -- 2 August 2002. 13th European Young Statisticians Meeting - Conferences organized every two years by the European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society. Ovronnaz, Switzerland; 21--26 September 2003. Computational Algebraic Statistics - American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto, CA, USA; 14--18 December 2003. 6BS/IMSC - Sixth joint meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the Bernoulli Society. Barcelona, Spain; 26--31 July 2004. MATRIX04 - The 13th International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics. Bêdlewo, Poland; 18--21 August 2004. Missing Data Problems - Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada; 5--6 August 2004. New Researchers Conference - Seventh North American New Researchers Conference. York University, Toronto, Canada; 4--6 August 2004. IMS New Researchers Conference - Fifth North American Meeting of New Researchers. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA; 31 July -- 3 August 2001. 2008 International Conference on Applied Probability and Statistics (CAPS 2008) - This Conference aimed to promote practical applications of probability and statistics, particularly in business and industry, and to strengthen international relations among researchers in these areas. Developments and Challenges in Bump Hunting, Mixtures and Measurement-error Models - Dively Center, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA; 2--4 June 2002. Biometric Society (WNAR)/SSC/IMS Western Regional Meeting - Western region joint statistics meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC), the Biometric Society Western North American Region (WNAR), and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS). Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada; 10--14 June 2001. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics - 8th International Vilnius Meeting. Vilnius, Lithuania; 23--29 June 2002. Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Visualization and Analysis of High Dimensional Data - MSRI, Berkeley, CA, USA; 13--17 December 2004. Statistical Challenges for Meta-Analysis of Medical and Health-Policy Data - Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, CA; 9--11 May 2002.
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