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Websites of active academic logicians.
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Ong, C.-H. Luke - Merton College, Oxford - Categorical logic, game semantics, type theory, lambda calculus, semantics of programming languages, and sequentiality. Makowsky, Johann (Janos) A. - Technion, Israel - Logic in computer science, finite model theory. Pitts, Andrew - University of Cambridge - Categorical logic, type theory, semantics of programming languages and logic in computer science. Japaridze, Giorgi - Villanova University - computability logic, game semantics, provability logic. Leivant, Daniel - Indiana University - Computational complexity. Matiyasevich, Yuri - Steklov Institute, St. Petersburg - Algorithmical number theory. Pollett, Chris - San Jose State University - Logic, bounded arithmetic, computational complexity and quantum computation. Vereshchagin, Nikolai - Moscow State University - Theory of computation, Intuitionistic logic Levesque, Hector - University of Toronto - Knowledge representation. Nelson, Edward - Princeton University - Bounded arithmetic, automated proof verification (QED). Blass, Andreas R. - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - Set theory, finite combinatorics, theoretical computer science. Van Benthem, Johan - University of Amsterdam and Stanford University - Modal logic and a wide range of other areas in logic. Parikh, Rohit - Brooklyn College - Reasoning about knowledge, belief revision, game theory, philosophy of language. Hyland, J. Martin E. - University of Cambridge - Categorical logic, game semantics and logic in computer science. Pfenning, Frank - Carnegie Mellon University - Logic and programming languages, logical frameworks, type theory. Beklemishev, Lev - Utrecht University and Steklov Mathematical Institute of Moscow - Proof theory, modal logics. Aczel, Peter - University of Manchester - Philosophy and foundations of mathematics and computing, mathematical logic, categorical logic. Awodey, Steve - Carnegie Mellon University - Category theory, logic, history and philosophy of mathematics and logic. Baldwin, John T. - University of Illinois, Chicago - Model theory (finite and infinite). Buechler, Steven - University of Notre Dame - Model theory. Burris, Stanley - University of Waterloo - Universal algebra, logic, computers. Buss, Samuel R. - University of California, San Diego - Proof theory, computational complexity. Cummings, James - Carnegie Mellon University - Set theory. Feferman, Solomon - Stanford University - Proof theory,theory of computation, foundations of mathematics, philosophy of mathematics, history of modern logic. Fitting, Melvin - City University of New York - Logic in computer science, mathematics, philosophy. Flum, Jörg - University of Freiburg - Finite model theory. Forster, T. E. - University of Cambridge - Set theory, type theory. Gerla, Giangiacomo - University of Salerno, Italy - Fuzzy logic, percentage logic, pointless geometry. Goldstern, Martin - University of Technology, Vienna - Set theory. Grossberg, Rami - Carnegie Mellon University - Model theory. Hjorth, Greg - UCLA - Descriptive set theory, countable models, definable equivalence relations. Hodges, Wilfrid - University of London - Model theory. Holmes, Randall - Boise State University - Set theory: New Foundations, automated theorem proving. Howard, Paul - Eastern Michigan University - Axiom of choice. Hustadt, Ullrich - University of Liverpool - Resolution-based and tableaux-based decision procedures for decidable fragments of first-order logic. Jech, Thomas - Pennsylvania State University - Set theory. Jockusch, Carl G. - University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign - Recursion theory. Junker, Markus - University of Freiburg - Model theory. Kaiser, Klaus - University of Houston - Mathematical logic, universal algebra, lattice theory and logic programming. Kanamori, Akihiro - Boston University - Set theory. Kaye, Richard - University of Birmingham - Model theory. Kechris, Alexander S. - Caltech - Foundations of mathematics, mathematical logic and set theory, interactions with analysis. Kunen, Kenneth - University of Wisconsin, Madison - Set theory. Lafont, Yves - University of Marseille II - Linear logic, lambda calculus, proof theory, term rewriting. Lafont invented the theory of interaction nets, an elegant theory of graph rewriting. Larson, Jean A. - University of Florida - Set theory, combinatorics. Lempp, Steffen - University of Wisconsin, Madison - Computability, recursion theory. Marker, David - University of Illinois, Chicago - Model theory. Moschovakis, Yiannis N. - UCLA - Set theory, recursion theory. Nerode, Anil - Cornell University - Computability theory, logic in computer science, history of logic. Rathjen, Michael - University of Leeds - Proof theory. Regnier, Laurent - University of Marseilles - Linear logic, lambda calculus and abstract machine interpretations. Scedrov, Andre - University of Pennsylvania - Logic in computer science, linear logic. Schmidt, Renate - University of Manchester - Modal logic, resolution theorem proving, resolution decision problems, relation algebras, Peirce algebras and knowledge representation. Scott, Dana - Carnegie Mellon University - Model theory, set theory, foundations of logic and mathematics, symbolic mathematical computation. Shore, Richard A. - Cornell University - Recursion theory. Slaman, Theodore A. - University of California, Berkeley - Recursion theory. Soare, Robert I. - University of Chicago - Recursion theory. Solovay, Robert M. - University of California, Berkeley - Proof theory. Welch, Philip - University of Bristol - Set theory, inner models, descriptive set theory. Ziegler, Martin - University of Freiburg - Model theory. Darnière, Luck - University of Angers, France - Model theory. Simpson, George - Penn State University - Foundations of mathematics and logic. Guglielmi, Alessio - Technische Universitaet Dresden - Proof Theory. Lindell, Steven - Haverford College - Finite model theory, descriptive complexity. Ono, Hiroakira - Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology - Nonclassical logic, substructural logics, logic of knowledge and belief, cumulative reasoning. Lakemeyer, Gerhard - Aachen University of Technology - Knowledge-based systems. Andrews, Peter B. - Carnegie Mellon University - Type theory, automated theorem proving. Barendregt, Henk - Radboud University Nijmegen - Lambda calculus, type theory and formalising mathematical vernacular. Avigad, Jeremy - Carnegie Mellon University - Proof theory, constructive mathematics, proof complexity, the history and philosophy of mathematics. Sieg, Wilfried - Carnegie Mellon University - Proof theory, philosophy of mathematics, history of 19th and 20th century logic and mathematics. Luo, Zhaohui - University of London, UK - Type theory, theoretical computer science and semantics of natural languages. Friedman, Sy D. - University of Vienna - Set theory. Vickers, Steven - University of Birmingham, UK - Geometric logic, topos theory, quantales and semantics of programming languages. Moss, Lawrence - Indiana University - Applied logic. Herwig, Bernhard - University of Freiburg - Model theory. Miller, Dale - INRIA Saclay - Île-de-France - Linear logic, proof search, automated reasoning, and declarative programming languages. Zilber, Boris - University of Oxford - Model theory. Rubin, Jean E. - Purdue University - Set theory, axiom of choice. Ebbinghaus, Heinz-Dieter - University of Freiburg - Finite model theory. Robinson, Edmund - Queen Mary and Westfield College - Categorical logic and the semantics of programming languages and type theories. Wansing, Heinrich - Ruhr University Bochum - Philosophical logic, modal logic, non-classical logic and epistemology Marcos, João - Rio Grande do Norte Federal University, Brazil - Philosophical logic, paraconsistent, many-valued and modal logics. Prest, Mike - University of Manchester - Algebra and model theory. Zach, Richard - University of Calgary - Non-classical logics, proof theory, philosophy of mathematics, history and philosophy of logic.
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