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A linear program tries to identify an optimum (i.e., minimum or maximum) point of a linear function , which furthermore satisfies a set of linear constraints. Linear programming is an optimization tool, which allows the rationalization of many managerial and/or technological decisions required by various real-world applications.
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Global (and Local) Optimization - An archive of online information on global optimization. OPBDP - A Davis-Putnam Based Enumeration Algorithm for Linear Pseudo-Boolean Optimization LINDO Optimization Modeling Tools - Software for linear, integer and nonlinear optimization. LINDO supplies large scale solvers with links to Excel and database applications. GAMS - The General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) is a high-level modeling system for mathematical programming problems. Dash Optimization - Offers a software suite for modeling and optimization. Information about product components, overview of services, and a client area. CPLEX- Large-Scale Programming Software for Optimization. - The CPLEX division of ILOG provides large-scale mathematical programming software and services for resource optimization. Eudoxus Systems - Using optimization to solve business problems. Includes lecture notes and case studies on the practical application of linear programming and optimization. Decision Tree for Optimization Software - Guide to find software for optimization problems and related links. Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (PBO) Web-Project - Software, benchmarks, events, people, bibliography, quadratic optimization. Pseudo-Boolean Benchmarks with Hidden Optimum Solutions - Benchmarks in opb format. Includes a description of how they were generated. GIPALS: Linear Programming Tool - Linear programming software for industrial size constrained optimization based on Interior-Point method. MOSEK - Large scale optimization software. Solves linear, quadratic, general convex and mixed integer optimization problems. Details of products, trial downloads, licensing information, and documentation. Linear Programs Solvers - A free software package that solves linear programming models by the simplex and/or the push-and-pull methods. LLamasoft - Modeling software that combines simulation and optimization together in one program, from the creator of Supply Chain Guru. Online 2-Dimensional Optimization - An online computer program designed to calculate the optimal way of cutting 2d sheets. GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit) - A package is intended for solving large-scale linear programming (LP), mixed integer programming (MIP), and other related problems. It is a set of routines written in ANSI C and organized in the form of a callable library. GLPK supports the GNU MathProg language, which is a subset of the AMPL language. HOPDM - Package for solving large-scale linear, convex quadratic and convex nonlinear programming problems. The code is an implementation of the infeasible primal-dual interior point method, and compares favorably with commercial LP, QP and NLP packages. AMPL - Modeling language and system for formulating, solving and analyzing large-scale optimization (mathematical programming) problems. MINTO - Mixed INTeger Optimizer - is a software system that solves mixed-integer linear programs by a branch-and-bound algorithm with linear programming relaxations. It also provides automatic constraint classification, preprocessing, primal heuristics and constraint generation. SCIP - Solving Constraint Integer Programs. SCIP is implemented as C callable library and provides C++ wrapper classes for user plugins. CBC - The COIN Branch and Cut solver is an open-source mixed-integer program (MIP) solver written in C++. Discrete Optimization Methods - Archive of Pascal procedures from the 1983 text "Discrete Optimization Algorithms with Pascal Programs" by Maciej M. Syslo, Narsingh Deo, and Janusz S. Kowalik. AIMMS - Advanced modeling environment for building optimization-based decision support applications and advanced planning systems. Linear Programming - Survey of modern software for linear programming (by R.Fourer, 2005). Nonlinear programming software survey - By Stephen G. Nash, 1998 Esteco - Multidisciplinary design optimization software. Optimization Tools for MATLAB, LabVIEW and .NET (C# C++ and more) - For fast and robust large-scale optimization in Matlab, LabVIEW, AMPL and .NET with packages including CPLEX, Xpress, MINOS, SNOPT. .NET OPTIMIZATION - TOMNET - The TOMNET Optimization Platform provides a standardized environment for general operations research development for the Microsoft .NET Framework. Well-known optimization solvers, such as SNOPT and MINOS are fully integrated. ABACUS - A Branch-And-CUt System - ABACUS is a software system which provides a framework for the implementation of branch-and-bound algorithms using linear programming relaxations that can be complemented with the dynamic generation of cutting planes or columns (branch-and-cut, branch-and-price,branch-and-cut-and-price). LogMIP - Logical Mixed Integer Programming is a solver for generalized disjunctive programs. PHPSimplex - Free online tool to solve linear programming problems using the simplex method, the two-phase simplex method and the graphical method algorithm. Zimpl - A little language to translate the mathematical model of a problem into a linear or (mixed-) integer mathematical program expressed in .lp or .mps file format which can be read and (hopefully) solved by a LP or MIP solver. Zimpl is a command line program written in plain C and released under GNU GPL.
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