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Brunnen und Bohrlochinspektion GmbH - Provides inspection of water wells, geophysical well logging, material exploration, and drilling services. Gommern, Germany. Atlas Dewatering - Construction dewatering specialists, utilizing vacuum wellpoints, eductor/ejector wells and deep wells for construction and remediation projects involving complex site and soil conditions. North America. Project Dewatering Limited - Offers development and operation of groundwater control and remediation systems through the world. Describes capabilities and past projects. Offices in Suffolk, Derbyshire and County Durham, UK. TerraGraphics Environmental Engineering, Inc. - Services include site investigation, groundwater studies, air quality control, risk assessment, solid waste management, and pollution prevention. Located in Idaho, USA. G. Fred Lee & Associates - Surface and ground water quality evaluation and management. Background information and articles on environmental subjects such as water quality, impact of hazardous chemicals, and wastewater management. Ground Water Science - Performs investigations and planning in water supply hydrogeology and ground water quality, microbiology, and well maintenance for environmental studies and public water supply. Also supply training and publications. Working regionally and internationally. Ohio, USA. Shannon & Wilson, Inc. - Provides a full range of geotechnical and environmental engineering services. Lists clients and past projects. Advanced Land and Water, Inc. - Hydrogeological services specializing in water supply development, fractured and karst bedrock groundwater investigations, and land application of wastewater. Maryland, USA. Ulrick & Associates - Groundwater resource management, hydrogeology, geology, hydrology, drinking supply wells, groundwater modeling, geostatistics, risk assessment, landfills, dewatering, and environmental monitoring. Located in Berkeley, CA. Zephyr Environmental Corporation - Provides environmental, health, and safety services to industry and government. Located in Texas and Maryland, USA. ESA Consulting, LLC - Offers regulatory compliance, litigation support, due diligence, site investigations, and other environmental services in connection with underground storage tanks, contaminated sites, and other soil and groundwater matters. Texas, USA. Earthward Consulting - Provides groundwater and contaminant transport modeling, deep well injection, mine dewatering, and environmental visualization services. Includes sample visualizations. Ejlskov Consult - Site investigation, environmental due diligence, risk assessment, monitoring, hydrogeology, water quality, and water sampling. Provides services throughout Europe. Beatty & Associates Limited - Services include monitoring, supply, impact studies, stormwater infiltration, environmental site assessments, landfills, and remediation of contaminant impacts. Located in Bolton, Ontario. McDonald Morrissey Associates, Inc. - Specializes in the analysis of complex groundwater flow systems for industrial and government clients. Lists past projects. Terry Environmental Services - Specializes in phase I and II environmental site assessments, underground storage tank (UST) closures, remediation support, and subsurface analysis. Located in Charleston, South Carolina, USA. P R Marriott Drilling, Ltd. - Provides drilling, ground water engineering and hydro geological consultancy services. Located in Chesterfield, UK. Waterstone Environmental Hydrology and Engineering - Specialities include ground and surface hydrology, numerical code development, water rights, and risk assessment. Located in Boulder, Colorado. David Blackmore & Associates - Geotechnical and environmental engineers. Services include groundwater evaluation, site assessment, waste disposal, and aquifer analysis. Pennsylvania, USA. GeoSystems Analysis, Inc. - Services include groundwater contamination studies, regulatory compliance, groundwater resource exploration, recharge studies, groundwater transport modeling, mine waste reclamation, and geotechnical lab testing. Lists past projects and clients. Arizona, USA. Rockwater Groundwater Consultants - Western Australia firm. Service areas include locating and developing ground water supplies, mine dewatering, and groundwater contamination control. Cadillac Groundwater Services - Specializes in wellfield development and management, water supply, mine pit dewatering, groundwater monitoring, site assessment, and related services. Includes case histories of past projects. Colorado, USA. Alpha Geoscience - Environmental site assessments and planning, field data collection and analysis, expert testimony, regulatory negotiation, and project implementation for water supply, waste disposal, remediation, mine permitting, and other geology and groundwater applications. Based in New York, USA. Environmental Simulations International - Environmental Simulations International provides services in hydrogeology, environmental consulting, groundwater modelling, risk assessment, contaminated land and brownfield development. Also develops groundwater modelling software. CertainTech, Inc. - Specializes in groundwater treatment and hydrogeologic modeling. Also sells modeling and GIS interface software for groundwater analysis. McLane Environmental - Specializes in ground water flow system analyses, contaminant transport and computer modeling. Pictorial and VRML examples of past projects listed. Oakridge Environmental, Ltd. - Consulting in hydrogeology, environmental geology, groundwater and surface water supplies, well testing, water quality, testing, contaminants, geophysics, geochemistry, aggregates, exploration. Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. Southwest Ground-water Consultants - Arizona hydrogeology consultancy company offering services in water-supply studies, well design, artificial recharge, contamination investigations, and other applications. Includes staff and project profiles. True North Environmental LLC. - Provides groundwater prospecting employing fracture trace analysis and high resolution electrical resistivity (ER) imaging. Pacific Groundwater Group - Water resources and environmental consulting firm based in Seattle, Washington. Geo-hidro - Professional hydrogeological services of ground-water supply and engineering projects, Slovenia - Europe Hydrosolutions Pty Ltd - Hydrogeological and environmental consultancy. Specializing in groundwater investigations, resource development, contaminated site assessment, and remedial design and implementation. Errol L. Montgomery & Associates, Inc. - Hydrogeologic consulting in exploration, development, use and management of groundwater, recharge, litigation support, site assessment, contamination, and remediation. Offices in Arizona, USA and Chile. GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc. - Specializes in ground water planning and development, recharge investigations, flow and solute transport modeling, injection well design, and related environmental services. Southern California, USA. SCS Environmental Consultants, Inc. - Specializes in groundwater monitoring, phase I and II site assessments, mold sampling, and TCEQ corrective action. Located in The Woodlands, Texas. In Aqua Veritas, LLC - Provides outsourcing services in groundwater fate and transport modeling, risk-based corrective action and remediation by natural attenuation. Crisalis International - Specializes in groundwater consulting, research and innovation. Schlumberger Water Services - Consultant providing technical services and developer of a range of instruments that allow continuous monitoring of groundwater.
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