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Center for Environmental Quality, Wilkes University - Specializes in general water quality, biological, and chemical analysis for monitoring programs, water supplies, and homeowners. Includes information on common water quality problems and possible solutions. Palintest LTD - Manufacturer of water analysis and water testing instrumentation used in analyzing 48 different parameters cross referenced with available methods for testing water content and drinking water quality. Water and lab test equipment - Full range of test equipment for pH, conductivity, TDS, ion specific, turbidity, and other water quality parameters. Suburban Water Testing Labs, Inc. - Specialists in drinking water analysis and radon testing. Total Environmental Services Technologies, Inc. - Provides laboratory services for water, wastewater, soil, and sludge analyses, testing, monitoring, and treatment. Garden State Laboratories, Inc. - Certified testing laboratory analyzing water, wastewater, recreational bathing water, for chemical, bacteriological and other microbiological contaminants. Performs sampling and analysis for NJ's Private Well Testing Act at Hillside, NJ. Aqua Pro-Tech Laboratories - APL is accredited by the NJDEP, USEPA, NELAP and the US Army, offering login for clients, for testing drinking water, wastewater, soil, sludge and solid samples at labs in Fairfield, NJ. H2Observe - Offers a home water quality monitoring system to setect contaminants such as contaminants such as lead, arsenic, nitrates and fertilizers. Water: Should You Have Yours Tested? - Information from Premier Laboratory - Offers complete environmental and drinking water analytical services throughout New England. Waterborne, Inc. - Fluorescent and enzyme-labeled monoclonal antibody detection kits for Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and microsporidia, for water-testing, research, and clinical use; purified organisms for positive controls. BSK Analytical Laboratories - Provides testing services to the environmental industry, specializing in drinking water, waste water and hazardous waste testing. Simpltek - Offers on-site biological and chemical test kits for water, indoor air, food and soil quality. Includes coliform and e-coli specific tests as well as microbial quantitative presence and absence tests. Nova Biologicals Testing Laboratory - Nova is an environmental testing laboratory, specializing in microbiological testing of drinking water, food and cosmetics, medical devices, and air quality. HM Digital - Water Quality Testing Instruments - Water testing instruments for residential and commercial purposes. Instruments check tap water or monitor water purification systems. Inline and handheld TDS meters, reverse osmosis and filter monitors, precipitators, controllers. GFS Chemicals - Sells water calibration equipment, reagents and quality standards. Page includes online catalog. Based in Powell, Ohio, USA. Benchmark Labs Inc. - Offers Legionella testing, water analysis, water quality tests, bacteria in water, mold testing, fungal analysis, bacterial identification and parasites detection. Columbus, Ohio, USA. e-WaterTest - Provides comprehensive, USEPA approved testing by professionals to determine the quality of drinking water. Includes message boards, informational articles and FAQs on water testing, and news. Caltest - Provides analysis of wastewater, surface waters and groundwaters by EPA methods optimized for low levels of reporting. Includes a company profile and details of services offered. Envirotech Labs - Provides drinking and wastewater analysis, ice cream testing and pool water analysis services for organizations, homeowners and governmental agencies. Precision Analytical Services, Inc. - New Jersey based drinking water testing laboratory, specializing in private well water testing. Industrial Test Systems, Inc - ITS offers a range of water quality test strips, kits and instruments. GE Analytical Instruments - Manufacturer of on-line, portable and laboratory instruments used to measure total organic carbon in water. Also supplies ultrapure water boron analyzers, nitric oxide analyzers and oil on water monitoring systems. Rakiro Biotech Systems Pvt Ltd - Offers easy to use testing systems for chemical and microbial contaminants in domestic and industrial water and virtually any solid, liquid or semisolid. A & L Laboratory Inc - Accredited drinking water laboratory specializing in microbiology, radon, arsenic, heavy metals and inorganics in well water. Auburn, Maine, USA. Assure Controls - Offers a patented technology for rapid onsite detection of contaminants at toxic levels in water and soil samples. Designed for use in discharge treatment assessment, water treatment plants, fisheries and aquaculture, concentrated animal husbandry and closed re-circulating systems.
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