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Sustains: encourages, endures, holds up, nourishes, supports. Sustainable living provides a nourishing environment for life in a renewable cycle that supports life today and preserves natural resources for future generations of life. Sustainable living conserves an ecological balance by minimising the depletion of natural resources. The three R's - Reduce, re-use and recycle can be used as a guide toward sustainable living. The goal of this category is to help individuals live a more sustainable lifestyle through the application of small steps which may be taken a bit at a time, eventually resulting in large impacts.
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Green Living Works - Source for green living tips. Blulow - Weblog with tips for everyday green living. Big Green Purse - Green living and shopping tips, environment-friendly and responsible news and information, recycling, organic and fair trade products and services. GreenWorld 365 - Resource offering news, solutions and tips for a greener lifestyle. Turning 2 Green - Information, ideas and product reviews to help you live an eco-friendly life. Green Daily - Blog with articles and advice for living green. Your Green Ability - Blog discussing green energy, news, environmental issues and green living tips. Food for Thought - Recipes, product reviews, discussions concerning ethical, organic and fair-trade food, plus advice on eating seasonally and growing vegetables with limited space. Inspired Living - Find green living tips, raw food recipes, and tips on how to make your own healthy body care products. Random Recycling - Blog offering green living tips, products, and advice for reducing, reusing, and recycling everyday items. Living Green with Baby - Healthy, green and environmentally sustainable ideas for food, recipes, travel, home design and lifestyle for babies, toddlers, kids, and their parents. Green Eco Services - Provides tips on living green and finding green, sustainable and eco products. Green Blizzard - Practical tips on reducing your carbon footprint. Offers information on lifestyle, conservation, efficiency, and renewables. Everyday Green - Blog teaching how modest lifestyle changes can significantly impact health, finances wallet, and the planet. Groovy Green Livin - Providing green ideas, thoughts and other useful tips and trends relating to living a greener lifestyle.
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