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Research Institutes are operated by universities, governments, foundations, and NGOs. They are engaged primarily in acquisition and dissemination of knowledge. --
Heidi Hileman ( concerned)
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Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research - Collaboration between Institute of Marine Research, University of Bergen and Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center. Information about research and events. University of California Energy Institute - The purpose of the center is to foster and support selected research programs in the energy fields, build an information database for teachers and students, and conduct policy related studies. Page includes mission statement, list of staff, research papers and related programs. Center For Environmental Prediction, Rutgers University - Specializes in research and education in regional and global environmental prediction, particularly with reference to climate change modeling. Institute of Chemical Toxicology, Wayne State University - Research on the short- and long-term effects of chemicals on human, animal and plant life. Environmental Research Institute - UK organisation undertaking research into a range of environmental topics. Includes news, education, facilities and staff. Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Research, training, and software for hydrologic engineering and water resources planning and management. U.S. Global Change Research Program - Integrates federal research on climate and global change, as sponsored by thirteen federal agencies. Provides information on US Federal policy, news, publications and resources. ORNL Environmental Sciences Division - Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Conducts basic and applied research and development to create scientific knowledge and technological solutions to restore and protect the environment. Oak Ridge National Environmental Research Park - Outdoor scientific laboratory with large blocks of forest and diverse vegetational communities that offer resources for ecosystem-level and large-scale research. William R. Wiley Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory - US DOE scientific user facility with experimental, theoretical, and computational capabilities for solving environmental problems. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington. National Center for Environmental Health (U.S. CDC) - Leadership to promote health and quality of life by preventing or controlling those diseases, birth defects, or disabilities resulting from interaction between people and the environment. NIEHS - National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences - conducts basic research on environmental health and environment-related diseases. Links to information on programs, grants, research, events, contracts, employment, training, outreach events, public information. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis - At NCEAS, scientists conduct collaborative research on major fundamental and applied problems in ecology. The Center facilitates integrative research aimed at synthesizing existing data and information, and subsequently making these data and inferences widely available. Biosphere 2 Center - Arizona University environmental research activities and education programs in the "living laboratory" originally built for an experiment to test the feasibility of humans living in a closed ecosystem. Maine Environmental Policy Institute - The institute is dedicated to researching environmental challenges facing the state and reporting this research to policy makers and the public. Desert Research Institute - Research programs focus on water resources and air quality, global climate change and the physics of the earth's turbulent atmosphere, and humanity's historic struggle to adapt to harsh environments. Woods Hole Research Center - Addresses the great issues of environment through scientific research and education and through applications of science in public affairs. Focus is on climate change and the warming of the earth, as well as global forests because of their controlling influence on climate. Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce (SMS) - The (SMS) is a research center specializing in marine biodiversity and ecosystems of Florida. Research focuses on the Indian River Lagoon and the offshore waters of Florida's east central coast, with comparative studies throughout coastal Florida. International Union of Forestry Research Organizations - IUFRO is a non-profit, non-governmental international network of forest scientists. Its objectives are to promote international cooperation in forestry and forest products research. Center for Energy and Environmental Policy - Research programs into the areas of environmental justice and sustainable development. NEDO (Japan) Global Environmental Technology Development - Research and technology development in several environmental areas (including waste management, recycling, CFC destruction and replacement, CO2 fixation and utilization, bioreactors, soil remediation, more). Languages: English, Japanese. Organization of Biological Field Stations - An association of more than 200 field stations and professionals concerned with field facilities for biological research and education, primarily in North America and Central America. This site provides links to OBFS member stations. The Ecosystems Center - Part of the Marine Biology Lab, with focus on environmental research and education. Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Smithsonian Environmental Research Center - Does research on landscape and population ecology, coastal science, and global change, particularly within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences - Not-for-profit toxicology research institute dedicated to providing an improved scientific basis for understanding and assessing the potential adverse effects of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and consumer products on human health. North Carolina. Rocky Mountain Institute - Nonprofit research and educational foundation aiming to foster efficient and sustainable use of resources. Founded by Amory and Hunter Lovins. Research areas are energy, transportation, green development, climate change, water, economic renewal, corporate sustainability, and security. Resources for the Future - A nonprofit and nonpartisan think tank located in Washington, DC that conducts independent research - rooted primarily in economics and other social sciences - on environmental and natural resource issues. Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich - Center of expertise in research and consultancy in the environment and natural resources sector, conducting research, development, and training to promote efficient management and use of renewable natural resources in support of sustainable livelihoods. ELI: The Environmental Law Institute - an internationally recognized, independent research and education center that advances environmental protection by improving law, policy, and management. (U.S.-based) World Resources Institute (WRI) - committed to change for a sustainable world - believes that change in human behavior is urgently needed to halt the accelerating rate of environmental deterioration. Site has resources on climate change, forest resources, international environmental economics, biodiversity, coastal and marine resources, trends and indicators, and sustainable agriculture. Urban Regeneration and the Environment (URGENT) - UK Natural Environment Research Council's thematic programme set up to integrate urban environmental research across the geological, ecological, freshwater and atmospheric sciences. Center for Development Research, University of Bonn - Conducts interdisciplinary research on political, cultural, economic, technical and ecological questions related to development and global sustainability. The Pacific Institute - Conducts research and policy analysis in the areas of environment, sustainable development, and international security. Sustainable Development Institute - SDI seeks to heighten the environmental quality of economic development efforts through improvements in policy and practice. Its geographical concentration is on tropical forest regions and the Atlantic coast of Canada, the U.S., and the eastern Caribbean. NEETF - The National Environmental Education and Training Foundation - Addressing Issues of Critical National Concern through Environmental Education. Center for Energy and Environmental Resources - Central liaison for energy and environmental research and education. Focuses on efficient and economical uses of energy and on ensuring a cleaner environment by developing ecologically sound energy related technologies. Environmental Working Group - EWG is a nonprofit environmental research organization based in Washington, D.C. and a leading content provider for public interest groups and concerned citizens who are campaigning to protect the environment. Center for Environmental Research & Conservation - A consortium of five education and research institutions created in response to critical environmental concerns facing the Earth. Center for Conservation Biology - Created to develop the science of conservation biology, including its application to solutions for critical conservation problems. In particular, the CCB conducts objective scientific and policy research that is building a sound basis for the conservation, management, and restoration of biotic diversity, and the overall management of Earth's life support systems. Aspen Global Change Institute (AGCI) - The (AGCI) summer programs provide a series of in-depth sessions for invited scientists from around the world to explore the latest understandings of the global environment and how human activities affect Earth systems. Steinbrenner Institute for Environmental Education and Research - Promoting interdisciplinary environmental research that will enable Carnegie Mellon to continue its leadership in developing new knowledge. K.U.Leuven research database - All research teams, research projects(5000) and expertises of K.U.Leuven researchers. Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth - Japanese organization focused on development of innovative environmental technologies and broadening the range of CO2 sinks. About the organization, its research activities and results, and funding opportunities. Center for Climatic Research: Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies - Aims to advance understanding of the climate system through interdisciplinary investigations of past, present and future climates CNR: Earth and Environmental Department - Aims to gather knowledge and predict the behaviour of the Earth system and its resources to help a sustainable future for the planet. USGS: Colorado Plateau Field Station - Research, publications, geospatial data, news and information about the Colorado Plateau ecosystem. Miistakis Institute for the Rockies - A non-profit corporation affiliated with the University of Calgary that undertakes and supports pure and applied research respecting the ecosystems of the Rocky Mountains and surrounding regions. Stockholm Resilience Centre - Undertakes multi-disciplinary research on the governance of social-ecological systems with special emphasis on the ability of the environment to cope with change and continue to develop. Earth and Environmental Systems Institute - Part of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences and the Penn State Institutes of Energy and the Environment. Includes information on research, funding, centers and people. Imperial College, London: Centre for Environment Policy - Undertakes research into environmental security and governance, energy policy, environmental quality and sustainable transmissions. Geoenvironmental Research Centre, Cardiff University - Describes research activities and graduate degree programs focused on topics such as remediation of contaminated land, pollution control, risk assessment and waste disposal. Greenpeace Research Laboratories, Exeter University, UK - Biological and environmental research courses, supervision of research projects, laboratory services for Greenpeace offices. Part of the Science Unit of Greenpeace International.  Center for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment - CSERGE's core academic objectives are to undertake policy-relevant research on global environmental problems and to contribute to the ESRC's Global Environmental Change Research Programme. U.S. Department of Energy Global Change Education Program - Information and application materials for several educational and research-experience opportunities offered to undergraduate and graduate students. Turtle Cove Environmental Research Station - Field research station of the Southeastern Louisiana University. Mission, activities, maps and data. Cornell Center for a Sustainable Future - Research focus on sustainable development, modelling and data analysis. The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) - One of the world's leading centers for basic research on the ecology, behavior and evolution of tropical organisms. Fermilab - One of several National Environmental Research Parks, this protected outdoor laboratory in Illinois is used for studying some of the complex and poorly understood ecological issues that confront humanity. The Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research - (MCEER) is a national center of excellence that develops and applies knowledge and advanced technologies to reduce earthquake losses.
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