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Information, organizations, research, information and services that are concerned with improving air quality.
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Norwegian Institute for Air Research - A leading centre of expertise in questions related to air pollution. Established in 1969, it is an independent foundation specialized in most issues of air pollution on national and international levels. (Language: Norwegian) Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA ) - Environmental information including air pollution, hazardous waste, management, regulations, measuring, modeling, emissions, testing, monitoring, modeling, particulate matter, ozone, and brownfields Clean Air Canada - Up to date information on air quality issues in Canada. Including environmental law and policy, motor vehicle emissions and industrial sources of pollution. Maintained by students at the Environment Law Centre, University of Victoria. National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory - U.S. EPA - Federal Government's principal program to control air pollution from motor vehicles. Primary responsibilities include developing programs to reduce mobile source related air pollution; evaluating emission control technology; testing vehicles, engines, and fuels; and determining compliance with Federal emissions and fuel economy standards. AIRNOW - U.S. EPA - Air pollution data, ozone forecasting, information about public health and environmental effects of air pollution, and actions you can take to reduce pollution. NOAA - Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration laboratory research activities are divided into three themes: Air Quality, Emergency Preparedness, and Climate Variability. Each encompasses a number of programs and projects. Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium - Provides technical assessments on ozone and other problems of air quality in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Data and modeling reports available online. Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand - Focus is air quality and the mechanics of air pollution. Information about publications, training courses, conferences, and seminars. Denver Vehicle Emissions Testing Program - Describes the mandatory vehicle emissions testing program in the Denver-Boulder area of Colorado, including maps to emissions stations, testing requirements, help for failing vehicles and tips to keep from becoming a gross polluter. State/Local Air Pollution Control Agencies - The State and Territorial Air Pollution Program Administrators (STAPPA) and the Association of Local Air Pollution Control Officials (ALAPCO) are national associations representing air pollution control agencies in the 54 U.S. states/territories and over 150 major metropolitan areas. Site has information and links. DieselNet: Diesel Emissions Online - Information service on diesel exhaust emissions, emission control technologies, diesel engines, fuels, and related topics. California Air Resources Board - CA air regulations, CA Almanac of Emissions and Air Quality, air emissions modeling, the gasoline additive MTBE, information on reducing air pollution from marine engines, and management of smoke from agricultural burning. Parkland Airshed Management Zone Association - Provides information about the PAMZ, a non-profit multi-stakeholder organization established to manage and monitor air quality issues in central Alberta, Canada. Bay Area Air Quality Management District - The BAAQMD (District) is the regional, government agency that regulates sources of air pollution within the nine San Francisco Bay Area Counties. Fuel Efficiency Automobile Test Data Center - The site contains vehicle emissions databases and reports remotely collected from in-use vehicles since 1987 from around the world. Data sets include cars, light-trucks, heavy-duty trucks, jet aircraft, locomotives and snowmobiles. Netherlands National Air Quality Monitoring Network - A division of RIVM, National Institute of Public Health and the Environment. Up-to-date, hourly information about air quality in The Netherlands. The Low Emissions Mission - A free resource for Virginia Vehicle Emissions Inspectors. Includes on-line training, discussions forum, tutorials, and a cartoon archive. Citizens who have failed the emissions inspection can use this site for information on causes and repairs that could lead to a passing emissions result. Environmental Software and Modelling Group, Technical University of Madrid - Conducts research in measurement and modelling of air quality, including air quality prediction. Automobile Emissions: An Overview - U.S. EPA fact sheet. Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System (NAAPS) - Includes global, five day forecasts of dust, smoke and sulfate aerosols as well as comparison with satellite analyses. SEIPH - Environmental Research Group - Air Quality monitoring networks of London, Bedfordshire, Kent and Hertfordshire in the UK. Near realtime data is available from the site. History of the Clean Air Act - Recounts the historical development of United States air quality statutes and regulations, including an introduction to the technical concepts involved. Clean Air Task Force - A nonprofit organization dedicated to restoring clean air and healthy environments in the United States through scientific research, public education, and legal advocacy. Southern Oxidants Study (SOS) 99 Field Campaign - Research focused on obtaining an improved understanding of the processes that control the formation and distribution of fine particles and ground-level ozone. Environment Canada: National Pollutant Release Inventory - Information about releases of pollutants into the air, the water and on land. In English and French. BBC: Beijing 'Failing Pollution Test" - News report on airborne pollutant levels, one month before the Olympic Games in 2008, citing international standards. DataFed Wiki: Air Quality Datasets - Provides standard interfaces to heterogeneous distributed air quality data, aids data analysis with web services and tools and gathers user-provided metadata and feedback. EDF Chemical Scorecard - Toxic Release Inventory data for the US (emissions of toxic chemicals to air and water). Search for data on toxic chemicals in your community. Also provides information on human health effects. New Jersey Department Environmental Protection Bureau of Air Monitoring - Current air quality and forecasts for New Jersey. U.S. Forest Service Air Quality and Smoke Management Pages - Various materials on air quality and visibility, Forest Service Class I PSD Areas, Integrating Air Quality and Fire Management into Land Management Planning, and smoke and dust from wildland fires. Environmental - Presents free accessible articles, publications, events, software, technological solutions and web resources for Air Pollution Control. WHO: Air Quality Guidelines - Global update 2005, with summary of risk assessment for particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Links to multi-lingual versions in PDF. UK Air Quality Archive - Features information on the causes and effects of pollution. Includes forecast bulletin, 24 hour summaries and articles. From the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs.
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