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Microbiology is the study of life and organisms that are too small to be seen with the naked eye which include bacteria, viruses, prions, microscopic fungi and protists. It includes the branches of bacteriology, virology, mycology and parasitology.
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MicroAngela's Electron Microscope Image Gallery - Annotated and colorized images of insects and bacteria. Microbeworld: Your Gateway to the World of Microbes - A place to view colorful images of microbes, read intriguing microbial facts and trivia, get educational resources and activities, and learn more about these fascinating microscopic creatures. CELLS Alive! - Good general microbiology information, with images and videos. Medical Microbiology - Dr Neal Chamberlain provides information on the microorganisms that cause diseases in humans. Lecture notes, laboratory notebook, computerized clinical cases, and most common causes of infectious diseases file. Ron's Pond Scum - Microscopic images of fresh water microlife. Images and descriptive text not limited to Paramecium, Amoeba, Stentor, Vorticella or Daphnia. MicroWeb - A medical microbiology/infectious diseases site produced by Mount Sinai Hospital and Toronto Medical Laboratories. It contains current infectious disease news, a mycology image gallery, bug of the month, tech teasers, and an online lab manual. EPA Microbiology Page - This site contains microbiology-related information that has been developed by the Environmental Protection Agency. Image gallery of various parasites and viruses. Plague Wars - A Frontline/PBS collaborative that details how viruses and bacteria have been developed/used as bioweapons and the history of bioweapons. The - Contains visual and curricular resources of use to teachers of microbiology. Tetracycline and MLS Antibiotic Nomenclature - Latest information on the Tetracycline and Macrolide-Lincosamide-Streptogramin (MLS) antibiotic resistance genes and their structure. Affiliated Medical Services Laboratory, Inc. - AMS is a regional clinical reference laboratory serving physicians, clinics, hospitals, government and industry. Specialties include cytology, microbiology, hematology, chemistry, drug screening and toxicology. NIH: Grants & Funding Opportunities - Grants and Funding Opportunities at the National Institutes of Health Name that Bug! - A fun bacterial identification exercise. A Review on Escherichia coli adenylate cyclase - A constantly updated review on Escherichia coli adenylate cyclase with references and graphics. Also, a section "Oldies but Goldies" to be updated and focusing on classic literature in Microbiology. MicrobeWiki - Student-initiated community resource on microbes and microbiology, including material on bacteria, archaea, eukaryotic microbes, viruses, bacteriophages, microbiology in the news, and common errors and controversies in the field. Microbiology at Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada - This site contains data on antimicrobial resistance in Canada, the incidence of serious disease due to Streptococcus pneumoniae and group A streptococcus, sample clinical microbiology lab manuals, and microbiology and infectious diseases information for professionals and the public. Provlab: Alberta - Provides information on public health, infectious disease profiles, mycology, virology, parasitology, mycobacteriology, bacteriology and environmental health. Twisted Bacteria - Musings on the world of microbiology, with a focus on actinomycetes, a group of bacteria, and the biosynthesis of natural products of pharmaceutical interest such as antibiotics and antitumor drugs. Zoogloea - Researchers at the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, University of Tokyo, have studied these gramnegative aerobic chemo-organotrophic bacteria. International Union of Microbiological Societies - Aims to promote the study of microbiological sciences internationally and the open exchange of scientific information, coordinate research and disseminate the results of international conferences and meetings. Regnum Prokaryotae - Bacteria dedicated site. Contains microscopy images, movies about bacteriology techniques, articles,culture media recipes & ABIS 6 online - bacteria identification software. Microbiology On-Line - Blog providing descriptions of microbiology based techniques and protocols. Types of Microscopes - Videos and images of microorganisms and information about different types of microscopes. The Potential of Oxalate-degrading Bacteria in Plant Protection - Information on research by Henk-Jan Schoonbeek, Francesca Stefanato, Stephane Hess Carolina Buitrago, Eliane Abou Mansour and Jean-Pierre Métraux. Microbiology Online - Blog with breaking news about microbiology and tutorials in industrial microbiology, targeted to pharmaceutical microbiology labs. Medical Microbiology - Syllabus for a course at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, with scientific and medical information on many disease causing organisms. Bad Bug Book - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's handbook which provides basic facts regarding foodborne pathogenic microorganisms and natural toxins.
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