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Cycas - Description of the genus. Cycas - Key to the species and description. Cycas armstrongii - Named after collector John Armstrong. Photo, historical notes, distinguishing features, and typification. Cycas arenicola - Occurs in broken sandstone country. Etymology, description, habitat, and an illustration. Cycas cairnsiana - Under considerable long-term threat from commercial collectors. Distinguishing features, habitat, and conservation status notes. Cycas arnhemica - Named after its habitat, central Arnhem Land in Australia. Detailed description, illustrations, and a subspecies. Cycas badensis - Occurs on Australia's Badu Island. Description of relevant morphological features. Cycas basaltica - Prefers basaltic lithologies. Distinguishing features, historical notes, structural details, and habitat. Cycas brunnea - Considered a restricted species. Detailed description, conservation status, and habitat. Cycas bougainvilleana - Distributed and developed on Bougainville Island, Australia. Illustrations, a detailed description, and local vernacular terms for the plant. Cycas campestris - Occurs in open grassy country. Detailed structural description, habitat, and distinguishing characteristics. Cycas chamaoensis - The mountain of Khao Chamao is the only known habitat of this endangered species. Details, photos, historical notes, and conservation status. Cycas canalis - Occurs at Channel Point, Australia. Distinguishing features, distribution, and subspecies. Cycas changjiangensis - This threatened species originates in Changjiang county in western Hainan province, China. Photos, a detailed description, habitat, and conservation status. Cycas chamberlainii - Detailed morphological description of this green, glossy-leaved species. Cycas panzhihuaensis - Occurs in the Panzihua Prefecture of southern Szechuan Province, China. Morphology, illustrations, conservation status and historical notes. Cycas chevalieri - Honoring French botanist, explorer and historian Auguste Jean Baptiste Chevalier. Illustrations, structural details, etymology, habitat, and historical notes. Cycas clivicola - Lives on cliffs in Thailand. Historical notes, relevant literature, images, and subspecies details. Cycas condaoensis - Found on the Con Dao group in Vietnam. Photos, details, physical characteristics, and historical notes. Cycas conferta - Occurs on sandy soils over granites or coarse sandstones. Etymology, distinguishing features, morphology, and conservation status. Cycas curranii - Named after forester and collector H. M. Curran. Physical description, distribution details, and related literature. Cycas debaoensis - Endangered species found in the county of Debao in western Guangxi province, China. Distinguishing features, illustrations, habitat details, and conservation status. Cycas desolata - Known only from two populations near Charters Towers, Australia. Distinguishing features and detailed morphology. Cycas edentata - Formerly described as a subspecies of Cycas circinalis. Detailed description, etymology, distribution, images, and relevant literature. Cycas elongata - Grows on coastal hills in southern Vietnam. Photos, morhology, etymology, and references. Cycas guizhouensis - This endangered species is typical of low, scrubby forests on steep slopes on limestone bluffs or screes. Description, photos, etymology, conservation status and history. Cycas hainanensis - Known only from the wetter, eastern parts of Hainan Island. Illustrated physical description, etymology, history, conservation status and related history. Cycas hongheensis - Endangered due to ornamental usage. Distinguishing characteristics, morphology, history, literature, and etymology. Cycas inermis - Although the third species of Cycas to be recognized, this taxon has never been properly understood. Typification and historical notes, detailed description with illustrations, habitat and literature. Cycas javana - Discovered in 1842 on the island of Java and is now threatened with extinction. Etymology, morphological details, history and conservation status. Cycas lane-poolei - Occurs in the north-west of the Kimberley region of Western Australia. Distinguishing characteristics, habitat, and historical notes. Cycas lindstromii - Named after Anders Lindström, a cycad enthusiast from Sweden. Pictures, morphological details, etymology, history, and conservation status for this endangered species. Cycas litoralis - Prefers seashore habitats. Distinguishing features, physical description, conservation status, and relevant references. Cycas maconochiei - Honoring the late botanist John Maconochie. Distinctive characteristics, etymology, habitat, and detailed morphological information on subspecies. Cycas macrocarpa - Lives mainly in rainforests, which puts it at risk for extinction by habitat reduction. Illustrations, etymology, structural details, and extensive historical notes. Cycas megacarpa - Named for its distinctive large seeds. Morphological description, conservation status, habitat, and etymology. Cycas micronesica - Endemic to Micronesia, the Marianas Group and the western Caroline Islands. Distinguishing features, description, conservation status, etymology, and historical notes. Cycas multipinnata - Distinguished by its complex, branched leaflets. Illustrations, detailed morphology, distribution and habitat, conservation status, and historical notes. Cycas nathorstii - Honoring Swedish palaeobotanist Alfred Gabriel Nathorst. Historical notes, distinctive characteristics, photos, structural details, and conservation status. Cycas nongnoochiae - From the Nong Nooch tropical garden in Thailand. Physical description, distinguishing features, conservation status and habitat. Cycas ophiolitica - Mainly occurs on serpentinite-derived soils. Distinct features, morphology, etymology, and historical notes. Cycas orientis - Abundant and widespread in Arnhem Land, Australia. Structural details, distinguishing characteristics, and habitat information. Cycas spherica - Known for its rounded seeds, this taxon calls India home. Historical notes, detailed morphology, and distinctive characteristics. Cycas papuana - Originates from Papua New Guinea. Physical description, distinct characteristics, and historical notes. Cycas parvulus - Contains several illustrations and a search link for other online resources regarding the taxon. Cycas pranburiensis - From the province of Pranburi in Thailand. Morphological description, images, distinguishing features, and history. Cycas pruinosa - Covered with a waxy, whitish bloom. Physical description, distinguishing characteristics, illustration, and habitat. Cycas riuminiana - Widespread in inland and mountain-closed forests in the northern parts of the Philippines. Structural features, etymology, and historical notes. Cycas schumanniana - Grassland species abundant in savannah forests in Papua New Guinea. Pictures, morphology, distinguishing features, etymology, and history. Cycas scratchleyana - Honoring English colonial administrator Sir Peter Henry Scratchley. Distinguishing features, structural details, distribution and habitat, conservation status, and history. Cycas seemannii - Usually found on calcareous beach dune sands or coral limestone formations. Morphology, images, history, features, and local vernacular terms. Cycas segmentifida - Extremely widespread although severely depleted species through western Guangxi, China. Detailed description, conservation notes, and distinguishing characteristics. Cycas semota - Occurs in the farthest extremity of Cape York Peninsula, Australia. Morphological description, distinctive features, distribution, and conservation status. Cycas siamensis - This species was described when Thailand was Kingdom of Siam. Historical notes, illustrations, morphology, and related literature. Cycas silvestris - The name refers to the species' closed forest habitat. Photo, distinguishing features, conservation status, and detailed description. Cycas szechuanensis - From Szechuan province, China. Morphology, historical notes, conservation status, and habitat details. Cycas tanqingii - Honouring Tan-Qing, director of the Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanic Garden at the time this species was described. Distinguishing features, morphology, and conservation status. Cycas tansachana - Honouring Kampon Tansacha, of the Nong nooch Tropical Gardens, Thailand. Morphology, images, habitat, and conservation status. Cycas thouarsii - Named after French botanist Louis-Marie Aubert du Petit-Thouars. Historical notes, distinguishing features, and illustrated morphological description. Cycas tuckeri - Named after its discoverer Robert Tucker. Photograph, physical characteristics, distribution, and conservation status. Cycas wadei - Honoring medical doctor H.W. Wade. Historical notes, images, conservation status, structural details, distribution and habitat. Cycas xipholepis - Gets its name from its swordlike cataphylls. Detailed description, distribution, and conservation status. Cycas yorkiana - Occurs on the Cape York Peninsula. Distinct characteristics, conservation status, morphology, and distribution. Cycas zeylanica - Found in Sri Lanka. Historical notes, detailed morphological description, features, habitat, and conservation status.
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