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Genus of fungi in the Order Boletales.
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Boletus auriporus - Information and several photographs of this species, common in montane Costa Rica. Boletus rubrocalopus - Photograph and much information on this species. Boletus flaviporus - Photograph and information on this luridly colored species. Boletus flavoniger - Photograph and information on this species. Boletus flavoruber - Photograph of this species and its distinguishing features. Boletus frostii - Photograph and information on this distinctive species. Boletus innixus - Photograph of this species and its distinguishing features. Boletus lychnipes - Photograph and information on this species. Boletus neoregius - Photograph and information on this red-capped species. Boletus ornatipes - Photograph and information on this species. Boletus pseudosulphureus - Photograph of this species and its distinguishing features. Boletus quercophilus - Photograph and information on this species. Boletus variipes - Photograph and information on this species. Boletus vermiculosus - Photograph of this species and its distinguishing features. Boletus barrowsii - Article with photographs by Tom Volk on this boletus and information on the mycologist Chuck Barrows after whom it was named. Boletus sp. - Image. Boletus sp. - Microscopic image. Boletus subtomentosus - This species photographed in the Dominican Republic. Boletus ruborculus - This species photographed in Puerto Rico. California Fungi: Boletus - The principal characteristics of the genus Boletus and links to other sites. Also a list of those species found in California with photographs of about 20 of them. Boletus edulis - Article by Tom Volk on this edible fungus, the Cep, much sought after by mushroom hunters but not always easy to find. Boletus leptospermi - Several photographs of this species. Boletus edulis - Photograph, description, habitat and edibility of this species. Boletus luridus - Photographs of this species. Boletus pinophilus - Photograph and description of this species.
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