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The Ascomycota are the largest group of fungi, with over 32,000 species. They can be identified by their possession of the ascus, a pod-like container of spores and can also reproduce asexually by segmentation of the hyphae to form conidiospores. Most are mycorrhizal and almost half of the known species form lichens. They range from single cell yeasts through moulds, like Penicillium, to the morels and truffles with their large fruiting bodies.
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Ascomycetes - Account of the Ascomycetes and their anamorphs, with many illustrations and several animations. Ascomycetes - Notes on this varied group which produce microscopic spores inside special, elongated cells or sacs, known as "asci". Truffle-like Fungi in Australia - Photographs and much information on these fungi whose truffle-like fruiting bodies are generally produced underground. LIAS - Provides a global information system for lichenized and non-lichenized ascomycetes. Moulds in the Home: Cladosporium cladosporioides - Article on this species which can cause unsightly patches on damp walls in houses. Ascomycota - Information from Wikipedia on this phylum, including classification, biology and reproduction, with photographs. Index to Ascomycota - List of about 90 sac fungi and their anamorphs, with photographs of each. Delicacies in the Sand or Manna from Heaven? - Article by Tom Volk on desert truffles which are members of the genera Terfezia and Tirmania and are much esteemed as food in the semi-arid regions of Arabia and North Africa. Faery Cups - Illustrated article by Tom Volk on the different cup fungi from which a faery might choose to sip. Corniculariella spina - Photograph of this spiny species growing on a branch. Bactridium flavum - Photograph of this yellow species. Coccidioides immitis - Illustrated article by Tom Volk on this fungal pathogen, the cause of coccidioidomycosis. Coccidioides immitis - Information from Wikipedia on this pathogenic fungus that can cause coccidioidomycosis or Valley Fever. Pezizales in the Pacific Northwest - Provides a key to this group of fungi. Ambrosia Fungi - Information from Wikipedia on various fungi from the order Ophiostomatales which have a symbiotic relationship with the ambrosia beetle. Inoperculate Discomycetes of the Netherlands - Stip Helleman’s personal site with species descriptions and pictures of Helotiales, mainly Hyaloscyphaceae, and other ascomycetes and members of the family Cyphellaceae. Phoma - Information from Wikipedia on this genus of plant pathogens. Rhytisma acerinum and Rhytisma punctatum - Tom Volk provides photographs and information on these causal agents of tar spot of maple. Stachybotrys chartarum - Scanning electron microscope image of a conidium and spores. Phoma ligulicola - Photograph of ray blight caused by this pathogen. Freshwater Ascomycetes and Their Anamorphs - General information about the group, a referenced database listing the ascomycetes reported from freshwater, and a series of illustrated species profiles.
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