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Adelie penguins (P. adeliae), Chinstrap penguins (P. antarctica), and Gentoo penguins, (P. papua papua, P. papua ellworthii).
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PenguinScience - Discusses the progress and results of ongoing scientific studies relating to changes in Adelie penguin colonies in the Ross Sea as a result of climate changes. Several scientific papers are included. Mangoverde World Bird Guide Species Page: Gentoo Penguin - Gentoo Penguins entry in the World Bird Guide of Mangoverde Gentoo Penguins (Pygoscelis papua) - An insight into the world of Gentoo Penguins and the research; captive breeding and conservation efforts being carried out to save penguins world-wide. From International Penguin Conservation Workgroup. Birds of the Falkland Islands - Gentoo Penguin (Pygoscelis papua) - Pygoscelis papua on the Falkland Islands Antarctica Fact File, Wildlife, Adelie Penguins - Pygoscelis adéline - description fact sheet and some photos. Antarctica File Wildlife Chinstrap Penguins - Pygoscelis antarctica - description fact sheet and some photos. Antarctica Fact File Wildlife, Gentoo Penguins - Pygoscelis papua - description fact sheet with some photos. Pygoscelis adeliae - Research project on the Adelie penguin by Kathryn Schramm at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse. Gentoo Penguin (Pygoscelis papua) - The Internet Bird Collection provides photographs and several short videos. Adelie Penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) - The Internet Bird Collection provides photographs and several short videos. Chinstrap Penguin (Pygoscelis antarctica) - The Internet Bird Collection provides photographs and several short videos. Gentoo Penguins (Pygoscelis papua) - Short general information page, with publications list and links, from the Australian Antarctic Division. Pygoscelis papua - Entry for this species on the Red List of Threatened Species. Pygoscelis papua - Facts and references about the Gentoo penguin. Adélie Penguins - Pygoscelis adeliae - Detailed information about the species and its conservation, with many photos. Includes appearance, movement, breeding, feeding, cold adaptation, and predators. Gentoo Penguin - Pygoscelis papua - classical fact sheet including also funny facts and a short part about ecology and conservation on this species. Pygoscelis adeliae (Adelie penguin) - Describes the habitat, reproduction, and behavior of this species. Gentoo Penguins (Pygoscelis papua) in Antarctica - Comparative population and monitoring research project. Includes photo gallery.
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