Scale Insect - Article from Wikipedia on these scale-like parasites of plants which feed on sap drawn directly from the plant's vascular system.
Ceroplastes rusci: Fig Wax Scale - Provides photographs and a description of this scale insect, its distribution, biology, host plants and economic importance.
Coccus viridis: Green Scale - Photographs and a description of this pest of citrus, its distribution, life history and habits, hosts, economic importance and management.
Eucalymnatus tesselatus: Tesselated Scale - Provides photographs and a description of this scale insect, its distribution, biology, host plants and economic importance.
Parthenolecanium corni: Brown Elm Scale or European Fruit Lecanium - Photographs of these scale insects and information on their hosts, symptoms, life cycle and description.
Parthenolecanium quercifex: Oak Lecanium Scale - Provides a photograph and information.
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