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Family of insects, the whiteflies.
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Comparative Biology of the Whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum on Soybean and Bean Cultivars - Research study by Ostenildo Campos, Wilson Crocomo and Adriana Labinas on this pest species. Cabbage Whitefly - Information on Aleyrodes brassier and its life cycle. Silverleaf Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) - Photograph and information on this species. Ash Whitefly (Siphoninus phillyreae) - Photograph and information on this species. Greenhouse Whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) - Photograph and information on this species. Aleurocanthus spiniferus: Orange Spiny Whitefly - Provides photographs and a description of this pest of citrus, its distribution, life history, the damage caused and management. Aleurocanthus woglumi: Citrus Blackfly - Provides photographs and information on this species, its distribution, life history, identification, economic importance and management. Bemisia tabaci or Bemisia argentifolii - Provides photographs and information on the sweetpotato whitefly B biotype or silverleaf whitefly, its description, distribution and controls. Dialeurodes citri: Citrus Whitefly - Provides photographs and a description of this pest, its distribution, identification, life history, hosts and control. Singhiella citrifolii: Cloudywinged Whitefly - Provides photographs and a description of this pest, its distribution, identification, economic importance, hosts and control. Siphoninus phillyreae: Ash Whitefly - Information and photographs of this pest, its distribution, description, host plants and natural enemies. Whiteflies - Photograph of whiteflies with information on their hosts, symptoms, life cycle and description.
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