Niue - Information and background about the Niue flag.
Niue Island - History, map, and related links.
Directory of Development Organizations - Niue - A directory of international organizations, governments, private sector development agencies, civil society, universities, grantmakers, banks, microfinance institutions and development consulting firms. Includes contact information.
Niue IslandGenWeb - Provides genealogy information and resources for island.
UNDP Multi Country Office in Samoa - Official United Nations Development Programme for Cook Islands, Niue, Samoa and Tokelau provides news, speeches, statements and publications along with information about its activities, progress, Millennium Development Goals, partnerships and staff. Focused on environment, energy, democratic governance, crisis prevention and recovery, sustainable livelihoods and poverty reduction.
Ethnologue - Languages of Niue - Information about the living languages of the country including population, region, classification, dialects and alternate names.
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