The Faculty of Science
Increasingly, Science is related to other disciplines, particularly Medicine, Engineering, and Business and Commerce. Applied Science BTech programmes and BSc programme majors are offered for those students who wish to specialise early in their careers, or who wish to take advantage of the opportunity to attain interdisciplinary qualifications. Degrees are:
BSc Bachelor of Science
BSc (hons) Bachelor of Science (honours)
BOptom Bachelor of Optometry
BTech Bachelor of Technology
and can take Conjoint Degrees. Graduate & Postgraduate Science programmes are:
Master of Operations Research
Master of Science
Diploma of Environmental Management
Diploma of Mathematics Education
Diploma of Operations Research
Diploma in Science
Diploma in Science Education
Postgraduate Diploma in Science
Postgraduate Diploma in Forensic Science
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Psychology
Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology
Certificate in Ocular Pharmacology
Doctor of Philosophy Faculty of Science Office
Ground floor, Chemistry building, 23 Symonds Street.
Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand.
Phone: +64 9 3737599 ext 7020
Fax: +64 9 3737431