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This category contains environmental sites located in Victoria.
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Environment Protection Authority, Victoria - Established under the Environment Protection Act 1970 to ensure the protection of beneficial uses of the air, water and land from the adverse impacts of wastes and unwanted noise. Moreland Energy Foundation Ltd - A non-profit organization working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within the Moreland community. Keep Australia Beautiful Victoria - Information on litter prevention and Australia's longest running community not for profit community organisation that runs the Tidy Towns, City Pride, Stationeers-'Right on Track', Pride in Prisons, Proud Schools and litter survey programs throughout the state. River Basin Management Society - Organisation established to find a balanced approach to land, water and natural resource management on a catchment basis. Northern Victoria and Southern Riverina Conservation and Environment - Information about conservation and tourism in the area. Includes details of national parks, bushwalking, birding and local plants. Environment Victoria - Peak non-government environmental, education and campaigning group working with individuals, community organisations, industry and government. Climate change, healthy rivers, waste minimisation and sustainable living resources. Victorian Environmental Assessment Council - Provides independent and strategic advice to government relating to the protection and ecologically sustainable management of the environment and natural resources in the state. Natural Resource Conservation League of Victoria - Advocates sustainable management of forest ecosystems, provides experiential environmental education, coordinates Arbor Week and administers a tax-deductible Tree Fund. Education, activities, resources, Arbor Week and newsletter. Buloke and Northern Grampians Landcare Network - Consists of numerous Landcare groups within the Shires of Buloke and Northern Grampians to support sustainable rural communities and a healthy and diverse environment. Newsletter, member groups, partners and training.
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