UK Independence Party - Libertarian, non-racist party seeking Britain's withdrawal from the European Union. Includes manifesto, campaign news, links and a section devoted to speeches by its MEPs.
Let The People Decide - Archive of promotion for an online petition calling for a referendum on the UK's membership of the European Union. Organised by UKIP and the Independence and Democracy Group.
Guardian: The Outsiders - Report on the UKIP MEPs in 2001, when there were only two of them: Jeffrey Titford and Nigel Farage. Includes readers' comments to 2015.
YouTube -UKIP Official Channel - Videos from and about the UK Independence Party
Wikipedia: UK Independence Party - Article updated by the public, about the history from the Anti-Federalist League, through mainstream acceptability, and influence on exiting the European Union. Includes organisation, representatives, election results, reference and links to related articles.
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