Brearley Greens - Independent property agents providing a service to residential and commercial clients. Offices in Halifax and Huddersfield.
MT Lettings - Branches in Halifax and Wakefield. Offers executive properties and apartments to rent and includes available dwellings.
Simon Blyth - Estate agents dealing in urban and rural properties, mostly within commuting access of the M1/A1/M62 northern motorway network. Information about branches and properties in Barnsley, Holmfirth, Huddersfield, Penistone, and Wakefield.
Woodhead Sharpes Ltd - Independent chartered surveyors specialising in property management, both commercial and residential. Information about their services, and branches in Shipley and Wakefield.
Manning Stainton - This chain of estate and letting agents lists its branches and includes a searchable database.
Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing (KNH) - A not-for-profit company set up by Kirklees Council to provide and manage housing services. Information about properties available, support services, job vacancies, and contacts.
Waite & Co - £Estate and residential letting agents. Profile, services and search with branch locator.
Black Horse Property - Estate and letting agency also offering management and repairs. Profile, services and search. [Bradford and Shipley]
Priestley & Co - Estate and letting agents. Profile, services and search. [Bradford and Leeds]
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