Borough Green Local Community Website - Guide and portal covering local history, news, events, entertainment, churches, travel, businesses and services.
Borough Green Parish Council - Council objectives, news, meetings, minutes, councillors and contacts.
Borough Green Baptist Church - Includes church history, events and newsletter.
Crocker Stolten Associates Ltd - Offers staff vetting service. Includes overview, vetting, fraud and law enforcement.
South East Timber and Damp Limited - Specialise in providing remedial services in Kent and London for the eradication of decay in buildings, including rising damp, woodworm, dry rot, wet rot, condensation and waterpoofing and tanking.
Goddard's Pies - Offers on-line retail and wholesale supplies of traditional London pie mash and liquor. Includes history, testimonials and product range.
Woodvale International Folk Dance Group - Recreational and display group. Includes profile, details of classes, events, contact information, photograph galleries, historical archives and costume details.
Borough Green Primary School - A county primary school teaching pupils from the age of 4 to 11. Includes OfSTED report and school prospectus.
Invictacut Ltd - Offers a range of diamond drilling and cutting services to the construction sector. Profile and services.
Santander Salt Ltd - De-icing salt provider.
W K D Storage Systems Ltd - Warehouse equipment supplier. Includes overview, services and contact.
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