Integral GmbH - Manufacturer and seller of windows and doors. Company overview, history and product list.
RS Textil AG, Apolda - A textile recycling and trade waste-management company. Overview of recycling, with a company profile, FAQ and contact information.
ZM Vakuum GmbH - Manufacturer of vacuum pumps, compressors and systems. Applications include process and food industries as well as energy and environment.
eurocylinder systems GmbH - Manufacturers of seamless steel cylinders. Applications include sports, beverage industry, technical gases, medical purposes and fire extinguishing technique.
Laborchemie Apolda GmbH - Supplies organic synthesis and produces pharmaceutically active substances. Member of HEYL group.
strickchic - Knitwear factory for ladies' wear.
Orafol Fresnel Optics GmbH - Development and production of microstructured optical surfaces. A Reflexite Company.
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