China Today, Export and Import, Foreign Trade - Promoting Chinese manufacturing and other exports.
China Today, Business and Investment - Promoting overseas investment opportunities in the country.
China Dimensions - Data collection designed to facilitate natural science and socioeconomic research and educational activities. Includes data sets, maps, population data, and economic data.
China Links - Annual economic statistics for the past 20 years in colourful charts and tables, with brief explanations, plus annotated links on China generally.
The Internationalist Backgrounder - Provided by the Center for International Business Information.
IMF - People's Republic of China and the IMF - Provides news, statistics, Public Information Notices and other reports, financial position in the Fund and transactions.
US Energy Information Administration - China - US EIA provides data, forecasts, country analysis brief and other analyses, focusing on the energy industry including oil, natural gas and electricity.
World Bank Group - China - Provides news and events and in-depth analysis with a regional overview, country briefs, data and statistics, publications, development topics, initiatives, projects and programs.
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