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This category includes sites covering information, resources, organizations and services related to the economy of Mozambique and its growth.
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World Trade Organization - Mozambique and the WTO - WTO provides trade statistics, goods schedules, Services schedules and MFN exemptions, trade policy reviews, dispute cases, and notifications. IMF - Republic of Mozambique and the IMF - Provides news, statistics, Public Information Notices and other reports, financial position in the Fund and transactions. BBC News: Mozambique's Foreign Debt - Describe a plan to offer debt relief under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative that was promoted by the World Bank and IMF. Article explains several required conditions for this to take place, such as complying with the IMF structural adjustment programme and a change in the tax plan. IFAD in Mozambique - Information on the projects of the UN agency dedicated to eradicating rural poverty in developing countries by increasing rural poor peoples' access to financial services, markets, technology, land and other natural resources. African Development Bank Group - Mozambique - Provides current status of loans and grants, latest Project Appraisal Reports (PAR), Country Strategy Papers and press releases. UK DFID - Country Profiles: Mozambique - News, programmes, case studies and publications about the country from the Department for International Development in the UK. OPIC - Mozambique - Investment Incentive Agreement between Mozambique and the United States. From the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, a US government agency. MBendi - Mozambique - Country profile from a business and economic perspective plus a map, a business directory, and industry sector and investment information. US Energy Information Administration - Mozambique - US EIA provides data, forecasts, country analysis brief and other analyses, focusing on the energy industry including oil, natural gas and electricity. UN FAO - Country Profiles and Mapping Information System: Mozambique - Provides information about the UN's food and agriculture activities, areas of intervention, newsroom, publications, country information, related sites and contacts.
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