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Submit weblogs created by librarians which deal mostly with library and information science content. Personal weblogs created by librarians should be submitted at the best category under Computers: Internet: On the Web: Weblogs: Personal.
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ResearchBuzz - News and information about search engines, databases, and various info-piles, provided by Tara Calishain. The ResourceShelf - Frequent news, search tips, and new resources for information professionals. TeleRead Blog - News and commentary from a digital libraries advocacy site. Library Stuff - Daily library "stuff" dedicated to resources for keeping current and professional development, by Steven M. Cohen. The SciTech Library Question (STLQ) - Randy Reichardt at the University of Alberta posts items of interest to engineering and scitech librarians. Ref Grunt - Highlights and lowlights of days working at the Reference Desk, split into morning and afternoon sections. Archives available. Blog of a Bookslut - Bookslut's editor-in-chief, Jessa Crispin, provides links and commentary for those who love to read. NewPages Weblog - Alternative guide to new books, magazines, and music. Catalogablog - Library cataloging issues and related topics. - Links to pertinent alternative web sites of interest, presented by Jessamyn West. The Shifted Librarian - Library weblog intent on "making librarians more portable" from Jenny Levine Kegliography - Central Ohio Reference Librarian Jay Kegley shares his web findings. Library School Blues - Journal of Sarah Mae, UCLA library school student. Eclectic Librarian - Links, commentary, and other musings by a serials cataloger. Legal References. - A weblog covering law, librarianship, research, and technology. Open Access News - News from the free online scholarship movement. Confessions of a Science Librarian - York University's John Dupuis provides links and information of interest to academic science librarians. MedLib - Medical library links. Serials Scene - Issues and technology related to the acquisition and cataloging of print and digital serial publications. Andersja's Blog - Knowledge management and information architecture topics covered by Anders Jacobsen. Phil Bradley's Blog - Links and news for librarians and people interested in search engines, searching the net, design issues and general whitterings and rants. The Laughing Librarian - Links, news and humor from Brian Smith. EngLib - News, technology, services and resources of interest to engineering librarians, from Catherine Lavallée-Welch at the University of Louisville. Threnody for the Public Domain - Tracking the current state of copyright and related issues. Bloug - News from Lou Rosenfeld, pioneer of information architecture. NHS eLibraries - Ben Toth, Head of Knowledge Management at the National Health Service Information Authority, discusses digital libraries in the NHS. Young Librarian - Chronicles of a recent MLIS graduate seeking employment. - Morgan Wilson, academic law librarian, covers information overload, disintermediation, preserving analog information rights and search techniques. The In Season Christian Librarian - Providing information about resources and news by and for Christian Librarians, primarily those in Christian academic institutions. - Why and How to Use Blogs to Promote Your Library's Services - Defines weblog, gives examples of libraries publishing them, and gives guidelines and checklists for those contemplating doing the same. Offers a few links for further reading. LibrarianInBlack - News stories for technology-minded librarians. Freedom of Information Act Blog - News, views and updates on the UK Freedom of Information Act and FOI overseas from Steve Wood, Lecturer in Information Management at Liverpool John Moores University. Teaching Librarian - Maintained by an information services librarian in an academic library who shares thoughts on how to make the most of educational opportunities with students. The Kept-Up Academic Librarian - Steven Bell helps academic librarians "keep up" with news and developments in higher education. Marjorie's Catalog - Chronicling the reference situations presented during an internship at NPR. Librarians Corner - A forum for media specialists and librarians in the school and public libraries featuring discussion, stories and information. Country Librarian - News and notes about libraries in rural areas. Library Web Chic - Resource for librarians who are interested in the application of web design and technologies in libraries. Archivalia (English) - Weblog dedicated to archiving. Also available in Dutch and German. LibraryLaw Blog - Mary Minow writes about issues concerning libraries and the law - with latitude to discuss any other interesting issues. One New Thing - Weblog of Lynette Reville, a new librarian in Australia, who is on a library-like quest to find One New Thing to learn every day. The Distant Librarian - Comments on the world of distance librarianship. Bentley's Journal - Comments and links from Betsy Vera. Library Writer's Blog - Source to help librarians identify publishing and presentation opportunities in library and information science, as well as other related fields. The Library Ass - A weblog dedicated to the library assistant, the librarian's overworked apprentice. Librarianguish - Personal weblog which covers library issues and life at home. Biblioblog - Chronicle of a freshly-minted MLS learning the ropes at a tiny West Texas college library. Canuck Librarian - Links and moments from the life of Jennifer, a young information specialist. Catalogue Blog - A miscellany of links, library news and observations, such as interesting names, unusual titles and quotations. Accompanied by some original articles on books and reading. The Digital Librarian - Commentary about digital services to bring people to digital libraries. Foxy Librarians - A foxy public librarian blogs about life in a large urban city by the bay. Libertarian Librarian - Melissa Zogby's political and research observations. Library Monk - Thoughts of Dan Greene on Library and Information Science, Information Technology, web design, life, religion and perhaps monks. Lost in the stacks - The adventures and misadventures of Jess Webb. The Misadventures of Super_Librarian - The weblog of Wendy, a mild-mannered, Midwestern public librarian and fervent book junkie. Notes from the Mystery Department - Thoughts on being a new librarian by Erica Olsen at Cornell University. Rambling Librarian - Incidental Thoughts - Weblog of librarian Ivan Chew who works in Singapore. - The author's experiences in library school, and the public and university libraries where she works. Tales from the "Liberry" - A small town West Virginia library employee's quest to remain sane while dealing with patrons who could often double as extras in a David Lynch film, not to mention dealing with life in general. Tom Roper's Weblog - A weblog on librarianship, among other things, by a UK medical/veterinary librarian. The Well Dressed Librarian - Celebrity librarian-at-large offers advice and commentary on etiquette, fashion, and the proper behavior of librarians and their customers. The Aardvark Speaks - Commentary from Horst Prillinger, librarian at the Vienna University Library. LibTalk Blog - "Inspiration for library communicators." Thoughts on public relations, communications, and marketing. Info Ediface - Explores the world of information architecture, library science and technology. Christina's Library Rant - Christina Pikas, a sci/tech librarian, discusses topics of interest to the library world. Vancouver Law Librarian Blog - Points of interest to the West Coast law librarian. Highlighted sources on KM, web development, and law library management. Free Range Librarian - Karen Schneider's meditations about librarianship and any other issue that interests her. Life of Books - This is dedicated to discussing the future of libraries in the "digital age" and discussing printed books as a viable information technology. It is managed by Professor Richard Leiter of the University of Nebraska User Education Resources for Librarians - Topics and issues: user education, distance education support, e-learning support, librarianship, and information access. This weblog is maintained by Teresa Hartman, MLS. Travelin' Librarian - Journal of Colorado librarian, trainer and writer Michael Sauers. - A cross of libraries, culture, law, politics and the internet. TangognaT - Ambivalent librarian writes mostly about her work. Caveat Lector - Reader Beware - Librarian has lots to say. Heretical Librarian - Moderate conservative writes about politics, librarianship, and other topics of interest. Real Public Librarian - Public librarian from a small coastal community in Australia shares thoughts and ideas about public libraries. Digital Dog - RAHarris' journal of library school, digital libraries, and related issues. The Young Librarian - Chronicles of a recent MLIS graduate seeking employment. BlogBib - Susan Herzog, university librarian, provides a scholarly introduction to weblogs and assembles an annotated bibliography of articles, essays, books, presentations and studies about them. Librarian on the Edge - Thoughts about library science, information science and the web revolution by an academic systems librarian. Linux Librarian - Weblog of a systems librarian at a small public library in a large town in Massachusetts. The Invisible Web Weblog - Yazdan Mansourian discusses everything about the Invisible Web and Information Invisibility on the Web. Cedar Librarian - Saving the world daily through information. faster than light - Journal of a subversive librarian in training. Conan the Librarian's Journal - Stories of unintelligent people in the public library. Confessions of a Mad Librarian - Weblog addressing LIS issues by a soon-to-graduate LIS student. Information Literacy Librarian - An exploration of Information Literacy Instruction theory and practices. Annoyed Librarian - An annoyed librarian rants about the state of librarianship. SMOTU: Secret Masters of the Universe - A weblog containing the musings of a serials cataloguer on technology and management as well as serials cataloguing, metadata, and the future of the profession. Krafty Librarian - Insights and essays from a medical librarian for a hospital in the USA. The Medium is the Message - Library, technology, and information thoughts and trends (with respect to Marshall McLuhan). A weblog by Eric Schnell Peter Scott's Library Blog - Weblog of a compiler of the first hypertext index of Internet resources-Hytelnet and librarian stuff. The Medium is the Message - Library, technology, and information thoughts and trends (with respect to Marshall McLuhan). A weblog by Eric Schnell. 'Brary Blog - Book news from Stephanie Davidson, law librarian. BookLab II - News and links focused on books, bookbinding, and the future of reading technology. Adventures of an InfoMage in Training - Library news from the Pacific Northwest and tidbits about Darci Chapman's adventures in grad school. Leah's Law Library Weblog - Legal news and commentary by Leah Sandwell-Weiss, reference librarian at the University of Arizona Law Library. Schooliblit - News links and musings about school library media centers, information literacy, reading, and technology in education. Adventures of an InfoMage in Training - Library news from the Pacific Northwest and tidbits about Darci Chapman's adventures in grad school. Library Stuff - Daily library "stuff", by Steven M. Cohen. Library Technology Musings - Lori provides hopes, dreams, wild ideas and practical solutions for libraries. ASC Online - News for information science education and mentoring for library school graduates. BookBitchBlog - Breaking book news from the BookBitch. Law Librarian Blog - Information and news for the law librarian. J's Scratchpad - Thoughts on journalism, librarianship and blogging from a news librarian at a prestigious American university. The Playful Antiquarian - Explores children's literature, printing and paper history, rare books, and related topics.
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