Egypt's Official Online Yellow Pages - Egypt Yellow Pages for online business telephone directory with local business listings, addresses, phone numbers & classifieds.
Lebanon Yellow Pages - Business directory, search by name and/or activity, region and/or locality. - Online yellow pages of the United Arab Emirates with phone numbers and addresses.
UAE Yellow Pages - Online business directory of the United Arab Emirates.
Teal Pages - Directory of businesses, government institutions and non-governmental organizations in Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, and UAE.
Oman Yellow Pages - Oman Telecommunications Company-backed business directory. Provides a search engine based on company info and classification.
Business Directory of Oman - Directory of businesses with contact information and some general information. Searchable by type of business or company name.
Qatcom Qatar Yellow Pages - Business directory with a searchable, categorised database. Includes company profile, advertising rates, interactive map of Doha, and contact details.
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